15 January 2009

Verse #1

I'm not big on resolutions for the New Year. Oh, sure-- sometimes I make a list in my journal of things I'd like to accomplish or grow in in the coming year-- but that's about it.

When I asked Mark at the beginning of this month what his New Year's resolutions were, he said, "To be a better man." We both laughed, because that pretty much encompasses it all, now, doesn't it?

One thing I am committing to doing this year that I'm really excited about is memorizing Scripture. I can't think of a better goal for the year than to be meditating on and memorizing God's word throughout the days, weeks, and months of 2009.

On Beth Moore's blog, in this post, she invited her blog readers to join her in her goals of memorization: Two verses, every month- one chosen on the 1st, another chosen on the 15th, for the entire year. 24 verses total, by the end of 2009.

Today is the 15th, and I've got my first verse down:
So, chosen by God for this new life of love, dress in the wardrobe God picked out for you: compassion, kindness, humility, quiet strength, discipline.

Be even-tempered, content with second place, quick to forgive an offense. Forgive as quickly and completely as the Master forgave you.

And regardless of what else you put on, wear love. It's your basic, all-purpose garment. Never be without it.

Colossians 3:12-14, The Message

I wrote it on an index card, "laminated" it with clear contact paper, and taped it up in the shower. Every morning (with maybe one or two exceptions) I've said it, and then prayed it, and several times have copied it down in my journal as I've learned it, and now I know it. One verse down, 23 to go. Moving on to choosing verse #2 today.

Does anyone want to join me? The idea is to choose a verse you need; for you [ie: I especially need compassion, kindness, humility, quiet strength, discipline. I need to be even-tempered, quick to forgive.... You may need something else entirely. Choose it. Begin to memorize it. Head on over to Beth Moore's blog and sign in with your verse (but tell me, too- if you are doing it- because I'd like to know!)


  1. Hi- love your blog, been lurking about for a while now! I will memorize this verse with you and have put it on my blog! thanks.

  2. that's a great thing to do! and, a great verse to start. i would love to join you!

  3. hi. i am also a lurker but today am just amazed that God put that verse on your blog JUST FOR ME :) i needed that so much today. thank you for your faithfulness and i want to join you in memorizing...and i'll start with that one too.

  4. I love it when lurkers de-lurk!
    Nice to "meet" you both!

    And I'm thrilled you girls are on board for the memorizing!

  5. I never remember about taping things in the shower until you remind me of it. It is such a good thing you do and have always done!
    Good job on the memorizing. It is really hard to narrow down one verse that I need. I'll have to think on it and read more a bit!

  6. I'm doing it, too! My first verse was John 3:30, and my second one is Philippians 4:8 (both NLT) Good luck with yours!! Here's to a great 2009!

  7. I want to do it too! Love the shower idea also. Thanks for sharing this Stacy. :) I appreciate you.

  8. Hi Stacy :) Just popping in with a hug and to say that I'll be praying with you as you memorize. What a super goal! Love you, Q


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