12 August 2009

Camp songs. Help, please.

Oh how I wish I'd made a list of all the songs we sang back when I was a camper at summer camp, and then a counselor.

I love those songs, and every once in awhile I remember one and we get to sing it, but I'm after a LIST.

Here's where you can help.

Will you please leave a comment listing all the camp songs you can remember? Then I can compile a "master list" from that.


The ones I can think of off the top of my head are:

Love the Lord Your God...
And the Ducks go by... (Can You Dig it?)

See? Pathetic, my memory.

Help a girl out, would you?


  1. So this is really sad... I never went to camp.

    Sorry I can't help.

  2. Cutzi-
    That is sad. Surely someone went and will post.


    Jodi will help.

  3. Yup. Jodi's your gal. I'd bet money on it.

  4. Um, we learned Kumbaya at camp..sorry if I spelled that wrong. And I always loved the bear song "the other day, I met a bear, in tennis shoes, a dandy pair, etc", you know that one??

  5. Okay. So did you know that my brain is full to overflowing with almost useless things like camp songs?

    My dad was involved in scouts forever and he sang them to us whenever we went camping... but they are Boy Scout songs... not sure if that's what you are looking for.

    I did go to a few christian camps and sang songs there too.

    What camp song genre are you hoping for?

  6. OK, so I may not have the title right. But maybe these will jog your memory.
    *Pass it on (Total 70's)
    *Oh you can't get to heaven (in a motorboat ect.)
    *Love Him in the Morning
    *Humble Thy Self in the Sight of the Lord
    *5 Little Angles All Dressed in White
    *Singin' in the Rain
    *All God's People gotta Place in the Choir
    *Lord of the Dance
    *And Jesus said come to the water stand by my side ... (For those tears I died?)
    *I will Call Upon the Lord
    *Praise God, give thanks to the Father for all, that you say and do well Amen. Amen, sing Glory Halleluja ....
    Herbie the Worm
    Baby Shark
    and the list goes on .....
    Love, Fellow Former Camp Counselor
    (It never leaves ya, does it?)

  7. Teri,
    Good ones!

    I'm not familiar with Boy Scout camp songs, but the "type" I'm thinking of are just lively, fun, lots of motions songs! :)

    Perfect! I love your list. And the fact that you were able to pull those out off the top of your head! Woo hoo!!!

  8. i was thinking you should goggle *camp songs* i bet you'd find lots. i too, don't know any....i was too afraid to go to camp :(

    funny though my three oldest go to church camp ever year and love it!

  9. Let's see....

    The Nonsense Song
    Old Lady Leary(fun with voices and actions)
    Barges (so pretty)
    I feel like there was a really pretty song I remember from Firwood called Benediction
    Down By The Bay
    My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean
    Peanut butter
    Do your ears hang low?

    I can come and teach you any of these if you want because I fly home today! =)


  10. Yay for camp songs! So I was going to go through my binder and make a list for you, but now I'm thinking I'll just bring it when I see you!

  11. Missy,
    Yeah. I tried that first, but ended up with several I'd never heard of~ more like campfire songs, not kids-camp songs. i

    Thanks for the songs. And- YAY! Amy told me you were coming home! Now you get to see that cute newest nephew of yours. And all the other cute nephews. And sweet Ava! Welcome back!

    I knew you'd help! Can I tell you how happy it makes me that you have a binder?! Love it. See you Fri!

  12. No one has mentioned my favourite one - Little Cabin In The Woods - complete with the mini, maxi, and Valley girl version. Whenever we go on long road trips and the kids start to get restless I start to sing this and they think it's hilarious.

  13. It's actually a general worship binder, but I know I have some fun camp songs in there. :)

    And about the Compassion button, I'm not sure at what point you're going wrong, but go to http://share-compassion.org/banners/, copy the HTML code directly below the button you want, go to your blog layout settings and add an HTML/JavaScript gadget, paste in your HTML code, and that should work. Let me know if it doesn't!

  14. Michele~ I don't know that one!

    Jodi~ The binder? Still. I'm impressed.

    THANK YOU for the Compassion info. Clearly the day I was trying to do that over and over was a day their site was not working, because *none* of those banners were up last time! :) Yay! Thank you.

  15. A few favorites from Young Life Camp.

    Abundantly (perfect for the Sierras)
    Happiness is...
    I am the Resurrection...and the Life


    I'm being eaten by a boa constrictor
    Wataleeatcha (spelling no idea)
    Then there is one about a blue bird that says "same song, 2nd verse, a little bit louder and a little bit worse"

  16. when I think of camp songs the first ones to come to mind are the silly ones we used to sing at YMCA day camp-
    The Ants Go Marching
    The Bear Went Over the Mountain
    Your Mama Don't Wear No Socks
    Fried Ham, Fried Ham

    From church camp I remember singing Hall-lalla-la-la-la-la-lujah

    The Lord your God is one God (and thou shalt love the Lord your God with all of your might...)

    round of I love the Father, I love the Holy Son, I love the Spirit, I love the three in one... (praise Him-praise Him)

    And for motions...
    I've Got the Joy, Joy, Joy (Down in my Heart)
    I'm in the Lord's Army
    I'm Gonna Praise the Lord

  17. You guys are great! Keep them coming! I can't believe I'd forgotten so many of these!


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