31 August 2009

First day of school, 2009

We started school this morning!

I am not fully organized for the entire year... yet. But I am fully organized and prepped through about the first ten weeks (and about 3/4 of the way done through our full year), so I think that's a good start!

This year Ella (7) is in the 2nd grade, and Isaac (5) is officially in kindergarten. Officially. However, I'm not planning on doing anything formal with him until he takes a greater interest in reading. (So far, no great interest.) So while he and Isaias both join us for memory work, picture study, songs, Bible time, and history- (and are learning a TON), we aren't doing anything *just* for either of the boys.

Audra (6 mo) took a great morning nap, so that was helpful. Adelia (18 mo) was not particularly helpful. *grin* Have I mentioned that she has recently learned the exciting (for her) skill of climbing up onto chairs and couches without assistance? Like I said, exciting times for her, but the rest of us are still getting used to her being able to get into things that were previously out of her reach. :)

We wrapped up our day by noon, other than the reading-aloud we'll do before naps/quiet times.

I was even able to get lunch on the table before Mark got home to eat it with us, and chicken is cooking in the crockpot for dinner. Yay! A good day so far!

When does school begin for the rest of you?


  1. We started a few weeks back, but things have come up so we've had a few days off as well. I just posted a few days back about starting up this year. I've a 3rd and 1st grader (and a 4yrold) this year. We usually try to wrap it by noon as well.

  2. Hooray for you! I have been thinking I need to get my crockpot out again and use it soon - I bet your house smells delicious!! Oh, and I hear you on the climbing. Eli is all over the place and he will not hesitate to use my body as a "ladder" to higher places! ;-)

  3. TOMORROW!! And I'm stressing. K, 1, 2 & 3? (And a toddler... just a couple of months ahead of Adelia.) What was I thinking?? Truly, though, I'm excited for this school year and as long as I don't stay up too late with my perfectionist tendencies (and "one more idea", tomorrow will be awesome. :)

  4. Go Stacy! This is our last week of summer. I'm in the school table clipping, binding, organizing... I had to go to Big Lot's and get more of the scrap paper we used at HED. Must coordinate. Must. :)

  5. We're in our third week--2nd grade, K, preK, 2yo, and 10mo. We are having a GREAT year so far! Best ever!

  6. Yay, sounds like your first day was fabulous!

  7. So fun Stacy! I love hearing about your first day. We're starting on Labor Day and I am interested to see if Maizie will be as "helpful" as Adelia was. ;)

  8. Great job, love.

    I'm so thankful that our kids have you all day long as their teacher, mentor, trainer, corrector, snuggler, encourager.... You are the best mommy to our five, and I am so, so grateful for all the work you do.

    Thank you for putting so much effort into planning out this school year. And -- thanks for lunch and dinner. You excel in all you do, the big things and the little things.

    Your the best! Loving you,

  9. We started today as well... it was good. Erik was home though, and Raphael had a good morning nap, which was unusual. So, we'll see how tomorrow goes! Raphael is climbing to... fun times! God bless you all!

  10. Hooray for your first day of school, Stacy!

    I loved reading about what you are doing this year. And how awesome that you are prepared for your first 10 weeks!!

    Good work! Have fun!

    I love imagining my homeschooling friends sitting down with their kids for "school" (and getting up again to *help* their toddler obey as I mostlikely do) as I sit down with mine each morning. It's just a comforting thought somehow!

  11. minivanlife,
    Isn't it nice to be able to wrap up early for the day? I love it! :)

    Oh yeah... we're definitely getting back into crockpot season (which I love!) Cutie Eli. He is soadorable, Teri.

    YAY! Happy first day to you and your crew! Yep- a toddler in the mix certainly keeps things lively!
    Hope your day went well!

    Oh, yes. More scrap paper. You have such cute taste, too, Dana! I think of you whenever I pull out my "Planner" and see that cute paper! :)

    Wow! Three weeks in already! Great! I hope your year continues to be wonderful!

    Yes! Thanks.

    Oh, I'll bet she will be. :) Cute Maizie-girl.
    Oh, and lest you think you're off the hook on those camp songs? Think again, Jodi. *grin*

    I love you, honey. Thank you for your encouragement and support. I could never do this without you.

    I always think the first day goes smoothly because we're all so organized and energetic that first day! Ask me next week... ;) God bless you and yours, Rebeca!

    Rebecca M,
    I love that, too. It's nice knowing that there are a bunch of us "in this" together. :) Blessings to you and your sweet children, Rebecca. Can't wait to hear some fun news SOON!!! :)

  12. We started today as well. And we ended by lunch - even though "lunch" wasn't until 1245 - a little later than normal.

    But we had a great first day and the kids are doing centers this afternoon which = alone play with one of the ten centers I have set up in the house.

    Then they will have outside play time and then chores before dinner.

    Read-aloud time will be after dinner & baths. We are starting the Magic Tree House series....anyone read these?

  13. Great job you! I hope day two went just as well. You are amazing and doing such a great job!


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