19 April 2010

Attitude adjustment

I'm currently reading a great book by Sally Clarkson called Dancing with My Father.

Following each chapter, there are a few questions for reflection.

After a chapter about trials, one of the suggestions was to list the trials you were experiencing right now. And then she asked, "How does God want you to pass the test of these particular trials?"

The next question was especially helpful to me in light of a trial I'm facing: "What attitude do you need to change or cultivate?"

(To which I immediately thought, What attitude DOESN'T need changing?!) Once I moved beyond that, I was able to come up with a list of some tangible attitude adjustments that are needed, and then pray through them and ask God to transform me in these areas.

Here's my long list:
-an attitude of surrender
-an attitude of mercy and loving-kindness
-an attitude of joy
-an attitude of self-control
-an attitude of hope
-an attitude of humility
-an attitude of affirmation

I share this because I thought this was a helpful exercise in tackling my response to trials. It's easy for me to step into the woe-is-me mindset and grumble. However, it's much more productive to determine where I need to grow in response to the difficult situations that arise, and then focus on praying for that heart-growth!

Maybe this exercise will be helpful for some of you, too?


  1. Thank you for being real and for the reminder. Attitude reflects what is in my heart.

  2. This is so good! Yesterday our sermon was on John 14 and our pastor talked about preaching the Gospel to yourself when you encounter trials and that’s essentially the same as what you shared. Having an attitude that reflects the reality of the Gospel in your life. Thank you for the reminder!

  3. I have been thinking of getting a few of her books. Sounds like a good idea:o)

  4. You always do such a good job persevering in prayer. Seeking the Lord to conform you to His image. You encourage me in this.

    You are doing well Stacy!

    And even more, Jesus did it perfectly for you. He did not falter in his attitude once. You are doing the right thing to keep striving to follow His example but I pray that you can find comfort and peace in knowing that even when you fail it is not those failures that will be evaluated, it is Christ's perfection. His perfection which has covered over each and every time your attitude was not perfect--that is what God will see when He looks at you!

  5. Mmmmm....yes... "Which attitude doesn't need changing?" is a question I would ask of myself as well. I just asked for this book for my birthday! I can't remember now where I saw it recommended, but I'm glad to here you're enjoying it so much!

  6. I so relate to the "What doesn't need changing?" I'm constantly having to check myself for a bad attitude. (And unfortunately, bad attitudes rub off on my kids.) But I like your approach of looking for the positive, tangible ways to change. So much more productive.

  7. I agree with many of the comments here. The statement,"What doesn't need changing?" stood out to me. I am constantly fighting against my attitudes. Surrender is the hardest for me as I always want to be in control. I'm definitely going to be joining you in prayer. Thanks, friend.


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