06 April 2010

The Incredulity of Saint Thomas

The Italian artist Caravaggio. One of my favorite artists. We haven't studied him yet, though.

This morning for our Bible time we read about Thomas. I always get tearful when I read the account of doubting Thomas. And always this picture comes to mind:

So we skipped our scheduled study of Vermeer and looked at this painting instead.


  1. Wow, love the painting. There is so much there.

    We had some good discussion around Jesus and his return to his disciples. We talked about how real he was in body after the resurrection. The kids thought he must be real in body because he asked for some boiled fish to eat....Jesus was hungry after raising from the dead. They loved that and it was something I never really thought much about. They were glad in our resurrected bodies we get to eat :o)

    Where did you get this print?

  2. Reminds me of walking through the Louvre and makes me want to cozy up with a book of paintings without interruption. I like how you incorporate art into your week and feel the need to change course if need be:)

  3. That is the name of our Parish. Beautiful picture. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Sandi~
    We don't actually own this print. I'm still looking for a good Caravaggio book of prints. I just remembered this painting and looked it up online for the purposes of our picture study!

    It reminds ME of walking through the Louvre, too. LOVE that place!

    Thanks, sweet friend!

  5. Where have I been? I've never seen this picture before, and ... I had no idea that you looked at it with the kids. How did I miss that??? I'll have to ask them about that.


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