14 June 2010

PRE-planning for next year

I love this time of year. Not just the sunny days and all the time we're getting outside, but I really enjoy planning for our next school year. And not doing school suddenly frees up some time for me to be doing just that!

Before I delve into any planning for school, I make a point to begin by asking God to lead me; to give me wisdom, discernment, and guidance.

Recently I followed a link to this post on homeschooling. [Thank you, Sandi, for linking me there!]

I liked the entire post, and was really encouraged after reading it to step back and take a look at the big picture. I specifically appreciated the following question to ponder as I begin planning for school next year:

What are the areas of your life as a homeschooling family that are the most important to you? Brainstorm, making a list and narrowing it down to your top five priorities. Consider how the curriculum, programs, activities, and learning methods you now enjoy either enhance or detract from these goals.

At this point of the year, it was really good for me to reflect on that question: What are the things we value as a homeschooling family? What do we value most? And is what we're doing in our day-to-day routine reflecting those values?

I also asked Mark to come up with his "top five" and then we talked through our lists together.

I'm still praying, thinking, making notes, and looking at what we might tweak, purchase, or implement. I have all sorts of fun ideas and am making a running list of things I want to accomplish before we start up again in the fall. I am truly excited about the possibilities. But now I'm doing all of this with those values that Mark and I narrowed down, for our family, in the forefront of my mind.


  1. It is so good to remember all those things! Thanks for the link.

  2. Great job Stacy! What a quality homeschool you run!

    Why we do what we do. Always a good thing to be evaluating.

    Love you guys!

  3. I love to read your blog, you are so positive and inspiring! I have a 7 yr old girl, my oldest, who is a reader too...we found 3 books by writer Jenny Cote, who lives in Georgia, Christian Biblical Fiction, to be wonderful, nearly 500 pgs per book. Two little animals tell the tales from their point of view in the lives of different biblical characters. She is still writing, so we are looking forward to future reads.
    A friend told me about your blog, she knows Jamie Barnhart McMillan...small world. We home school and live in Stanwood. This is our first year. Thanks for all of your encouragement!
    -Nancy Hansen

  4. I love this process!

    Going back to the basics of why we are homeschooling always gets me geared up for the future.

  5. stacy,
    i love this post! i love your blog and haven't visited for a while. thanks for fresh inspiration about homeschooling! bless you and your precious fam.

  6. So wierd I wrote a long post here the other day and it's not here...hmmm
    Must have pushed the wrong button. Will try to repost it soon.

    Thanks for reading my rambles and for all your "comment love"


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