19 June 2010

Father's Day

He tells our girls he loves them.

He tells them how beautiful they are.

He leaves notes on the dry erase board to be discovered at breakfast.

He sits on the floor and plays LEGOS with the boys, for long stretches of time.

He gently pushes them to try new things.

He encourages them.

He puts the kids to bed, singing to them and praying for them.

He gets up in the middle of the night with our babies.

He is a loving, patient, wise disciplinarian.

He reads the Bible to the kids every single night, and has for as long as I can remember.

He puts on crazy music and dances silly and spins the kids around.

He wrestles with the boys.

He gives just the right compliments when the girls are all dressed up and go to "show daddy".

He takes advantage of teachable moments.

He praises their work.

He is creative [box creations and animal pancakes]

He serves tirelessly and without complaint.

He praises their character.

He has God-given discernment.

He works hard to provide for his children.

He reads them great stories.

He makes up great stories.

He delights in each of them.

He is firm but unfailingly kind.

He loves their mommy well.

Happy Father's Day, honey. I am so glad to be paired up with *you* for this parenting adventure!

We love you!


  1. Thanks, my dearest, for all the kind words about me. I pray that I can consistently live up to that description.

    And while it's all the things on that list are well and good, the one that matters to me most is that last one. That's the one I really, really want to get right.

    Loving you.


  2. Oops. I forgot to comment here, but I wanted to say:

    Mark, Happy Father's Day! I think you are a really good dad to your five!

  3. wow. what a sweet tribute to your honey. happy father's day, mark.


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