29 November 2010

In Closing: an Invitation

This is the last day of November, so this series on adoption/foster care is officially done. (Don't miss my husband's post yesterday!)

Thank you for stopping in to read here throughout the month. I know I wasn't able to cover *every* topic, and if there was something you wanted me to speak to that I neglected, please let me know and I'll either email you or post on it at a later date.

I am truly grateful for this blog community. I wish so much that I knew all of you in person~ I would love that.

There are many of you with a passion to meet the needs of the orphans and a desire to forge ahead... but you have pressing, weighty fears. May you sense His presence and peace; and may you rest in His faithful promises. He will direct your steps.

There are also many of you who are broken and struggling from the wounds of the son or daughter you have already adopted. {Oh, how I wish I could give you a tearful hug and pray for you!} I know. I really do. I know those varying feelings of hopelessness and discouragement and anger and resentment and guilt and fear and that deep-down, haunting question of whether you can even do this. I know those well, friend. And I assure you (even as I assure myself) that you can do it; that God will sustain you; that He will empower you by His Spirit to love; that He will bring restoration and healing.

Can I offer an invitation to you, if you're an adoptive mother? I've heard some of your stories in the comments and through the emails tucked into my inbox, and I know there are more of you, too. I wish I could meet you and we could share our stories in person. I have such a heart for you, because I know how challenging it can be, and I also know how lonely it can be. What has ministered to me most throughout my own struggle has been other adoptive mothers who have come alongside of me and said, "I know. You're not crazy. I feel that, too." So, if you need that? Know that I am always available. Also: I would love to pray for you and your child. If you'll send me an email with your name and your child's name- and any part of your story or struggle you want to share- I will pray for you. You can email me via the link on my sidebar- anytime. (If you've already emailed me, can you email me again so that I can have it all in one place?)

Blessings to each and every one of you!


  1. Really enjoyed following these posts, Stacy. Thanks so much!

  2. Just wanted to smile your way :0)

    So many have been blessed by your words, your heart and your prayers.

  3. Yes, your words have been soooo impacting. Thank you for the encouraging posts that have shared truths, joys, and, reallities about adoption. I can't wait to have my husband read Mark's post.

  4. I've loved reading your beautiful thoughts on this amazing thing to which you've been called, Stacy.
    Blessings, my friend!

  5. Thank you so much for doing this series, Stacy. I loved it all!

  6. Thank you, sweet friends.

    I'm so grateful for every one of you.


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