24 November 2010

Thankful! {Thanksgiving edition}

{continuing on in gratitude from my initial One Thousand Gifts list}

1286~ hearing Ella sing worship songs to the girls at bedtime each night

1287~ Audra's cute little phrases: "have some?", "read dat?", "yuh you!", "follow me"

1288~ unsolicited good morning hugs from each of my children

1289~ hide and seek games under the covers to surprise mommy when I walk into the room

1290~ Ella, taking a hot bath with a book in her hands :)

1291~ my boys, happily playing dollhouse with Audra

1292~ a new stick of Burt's Bees Lip Shimmer... *perfect*

1293~ Adelia's eager hands to help me with a load of laundry this morning... then the buttermilk pancakes. She loves to get her hands on the mixer. :)

1294~ white out my window this morning... still!

1295~ memories of pulling the little girls through the yard in the sled last night, in the dark... as we waited for daddy to come home. And how Ella, Isaac, and Isaias' play was to entertain them on their sledding journey, by popping out from hiding spots to make an animal noise. Glancing back to see a rosy-cheeked Audra, carefully holding her baby doll, and Adelia suggesting, "How 'bout a kitty?" in lieu of the preferred bears that kept pouncing out from behind things. :)

1296~ grocery stores during the holiday season~ all the cheery hustle and bustle and our holiday favorites: eggnog, satsumas, and fixings for pigs-in-a-blanket!

1297~ reading our Bible story book aloud each morning over breakfast. This morning: Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, and how they refused to eat the kings food. I asked the kids, "What do you think would you have done?" and we talked about what a big thing that was for Daniel to say no, and then we marvelled together at how, when they came before the king at the end of their time? They were TEN TIMES better in matters of wisdom and understanding than all the kings magicians! I love God's word, and I love it *with* my children!

holy experience

...even though it's not a "Monday" at all. ;)

{Happy Thanksgiving}


  1. Love this Stac! Happy Thanksgiving to you too!! Halle also LOVES to put her hand on my Kitchen Aid Mixer after helping me dump the ingredients in! Now if I could just get her to turn up ONE notch at a time :)

  2. Oh I am reading this with such delight Stacy! I love the scenes in your home and honestly, just really want to come visit! Ella sounds so much like our Halle...I think they would be great friends, or at the very least, enjoy their reading together while they sip tea!


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