18 April 2011

Grateful: Monday, April 18

{snippets from my journal: One Thousand Gifts... and still counting!}

1462 | Audra, in her pink tutu... twisting her hips and watching her skirt twirl

1463 | Audra, who is indignant if I happen to call her "baby girl".
"Mommy: I'm not a baby. I'm Audra."

1464 | the delight of Isaac, who finished his chore today in time for the timer! (Hooray, budders!)

1472 | Tonia's posts on peace: here and here.

1477 | Mark's friendship with Andy and Erik, and their weekly breakfasts together.

1488 | That Isaac (7) always takes my hand when he's walking beside me.

1489 | The cheery bouquet of daffodils Mark brought me. And the bouquet of lilies and freesias he brought at the same time~ all because I'd said a few days before that the only thing our living room seemed to be missing was some spring flowers (thinking I couldn't wait for them start blooming in our yard so that I could cut some and bring some in!)

1492 | Brisk, early-morning walks (and talks) with my mom.

1500 | Your faithfulness, oh God~ in helping me find things! (papers we needed for taxes: lost, then found!)

1502 | Audra's face... and hands... and legs... after about 15 minutes of finger-painting!

1503 | The sound of someone mowing their lawn (Spring!)

1506 | Waking up to the song of the birds each morning

1507 | Getting to meet Sandi, from A Mother's Musings~ someone I've been friends with online for *years*... (We met for breakfast, and talked and talked and talked...! It was such a blessing to meet her!)

* * *


  1. Hooray Issac! Your comment about Audra made me smile...I'm always calling Eli "baby, sweetie, my little guy, etc" and he always go "no, I your Eli!". :)

  2. I love the pic of Audra! and the thought of the spring flowers in your living room! :) Wanna meet ME half-way for breakfast? ummm......Billings, MT sound OK?

  3. Right back at-cha,friend. Our time was such a blessing!

    Love the finger painted Audra too. I haven't let Eli do that yet. Waiting for summer and the deck :o)

  4. I'm jealous of your time with Sandi. :) I haven't seen her in (sob) 9+ years! It was a lovely surprise to see her face with yours though! Glad you two got to enjoy each other.

  5. Sweet blessings...

    The hymn "When All Thy Mercies" has been so much on my heart lately-- when I read your post here, I thought of the verse that says,

    Ten thousand, thousand precious gifts
    My daily thanks employ,
    Nor is the least a cheerful heart
    That tastes those gifts with joy.

    (I will try to email you soon! Nothing new on the adoption front, just praying through some concerns and working on figuring out how to proceed. Thank you for your testimony and example!)

    Lots of love to all of you, from all of us!

  6. here I am reading through your list smiling and then I hit Audra's picture and burst out laughing. Could she be any more adorable?

  7. ahem, Finger Painting? I think not. :)

    I love your list. So simple. But huge in blessing.


  8. That finger painting photo is a KEEPER! That is SOO funny and you are a brave woman! :)

    I have some free Easter / "He Is Risen" blog buttons if you would like one to display on your blog! They are on my blog and free to anyone who would like one. :-)

    Celebrating His resurrection,

  9. We have so much to be thankful for. I am thankful for the reminder. Time is fleeting and we need to take captive every thought and every moment.


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