15 August 2011

Fair day!

We went to the much-loved fair today.  This is the first year our kids entered anything into the fair.  Ella entered a watercolor painting, and all three older kids entered something they'd built with LEGOS.  They were so excited to see their things exhibited, and it made an exciting day even *more* exciting for them.


Here is Ella, proudly standing next to her painting (and blue ribbon!)

Then we rounded the corner to see all the LEGOS,

and discovered this:
 Isaac's bald eagle entry won Best of Division and Best of Show (!)

Here is Isaias' wagon- earning him a second-place ribbon: 
and finally~ Ella's hen and baby chick, earning her another blue.  

The kids were overjoyed.  :)


  1. How fun! And congratulations all around!

  2. I'm just so proud of our kids. I can hardly stand it.

  3. Oh no! I didn't know Isaias had entered something too! Give him a congratulations and I'm sorry I hadn't done it sooner from Mrs. Jobes, please. Great job kids!

  4. Great job to all of your kids! I got to see all those Lego creations firsthand today, and they were excellent! It was especially fun to recognize the name with that big blue ribbon next to it. :)

  5. That is so awesome! Just makes me smile.

  6. Oh, congratulations to your kids! That is SO exciting! No surprise that you and Mark would have some creative little people in your house.

  7. Yeah!!!! How fun!
    Did Mark enter the open show? He should enter his pancake creations!! :)

    Next year.....we can hook you guys up with some show pigs!?!?! :)

  8. Tell your awesome, talented kids congratulations!

  9. Thank you all for your kind congratulations. :)

    I'll pass on your Congratulations, Cutzi!

    and Kamille~ I love Ella's smile, too!

    Michelle~ Pancakes, no. Pigs? Um, no. We'll leave that to the Timmons fam. ;) But Ella does want to enter one of her hens next year. We'll have to see about that.



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