30 August 2011

The flow of our day

Okay: here's the order of our day as planned.  This is all subject to change if it all falls apart and I realize this will not work at all.  *grin*

-"3 things" Each of the kids is responsible to accomplish their "3 things" before they come to the table for breakfast:  1.Make your bed    2.Get dressed    3. Brush your teeth.  We've been working on this habit this summer, and it's gone well.  (Note: this is optional for the 2 little girls.  Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't.  But for my school-aged kids (because they can do it by themself!) it's mandatory.

-breakfast @ 8:30

-Bible, memory work, Composer/Picture study (@ table; 20-30 min)

-chores (20 minutes)

-History (in living room) I read aloud, the kids can play quietly (as long as they're listening!)  This will likely be the time when I put a video on for the little girls.  (Because yes, I am planning on a half-hour video being a part of their daily schedule.) (20-30 min)

-individual times for English with mommy (one child per day).  The others will pair up as buddies during this time (20 min)

-Copywork, Math, Phonics  (@ table) This is where the kids do their individual work.  These are short lessons: about 10 minutes for each subject.  When they are finished, they head outside to play until lunchtime.  Math is usually a bit longer, and sometimes Ella will opt to break and play and then finish up her math on her quiet time.

-lunch (@ 12 or 12:30)

-chores (20 min)

-naps/quiet times (2 hours)

-Assigned reading/literature, Narrations, Handicrafts to be done throughout the rest of the day.  The kids will likely read during their quiet time, narrations usually occur at a mealtime, so if we didn't get to them at lunch we'll do them over dinner, and handicrafts {for Ella: embroidery, knitting, friendship bracelets, whatever craft she's into!} will likely happen while Mark reads aloud in the evenings.  {Hooray for cozy, candlelit autumn evenings of knitting with my girl while Mark reads aloud!}


  1. A great schedule - I love that you have routine. Helps you and the kids. I can totally picture those cozy fall candle-lit nights! :)

  2. Thank you for sharing. You have a such a beautiful blog and family. I really appreciate you sharing here~I'm inspired. :)

  3. Just out of curiosity-- what time do you normally put your kids to bed? And what time do they wake in the morning? We've been slowly tweaking our routine over the summer and letting the older kids stay up a little later. It seems to be working well, but I'm always interested in other families' schedules.

  4. Teri~
    Yeah. We thrive in a routine. I'm so thankful for it!

    Oh, thank you, Dustine, for your kind words!

    Well, our goal is 7:30pm. Most nights it's 8. Over the summer it usually becomes more like 8:30 or 9, so we're gradually moving bedtime back to the 7:30-8ish time. Our kids are allowed to talk/sing in their beds, as long as they stay.in.their.beds. Sometimes we let our oldest stay up and read in our bed for half-hour. We really like having our evenings for us (no kid interruptions) and early to bed helps those mornings happen easier with less need to sleep in!

  5. Thank you for posting this! It's fun to see how other families structure their day. I like picturing your cute fam all cozied up in the evening while Mark reads. :) What special little times. :)

  6. You know I've been on Facebook too much lately when I'm looking for a "Like" button to click on all of your posts. :) Thanks for sharing a bit of your days with us...

  7. Thanks, Jodi and Colleen. I'm thankful you read and comment.

    Love you both!



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