11 January 2012

Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not men, because you know that the Lord will reward everyone for whatever good he does...  (Eph. 6:7-8)

We've had a challenging couple of weeks-- just fighting a virus that is making it's way through everyone in our house and lasting a long time.  I am weary- feeling pretty miserable myself and yet constantly up and tending to the needs of everyone around me-- wiping noses, praying, taking temperatures, giving medicine, rubbing backs, making a cozy spot for a lethargic child, getting another drink, praying some more... and on it goes.  On top of all of the stuff I normally do.  Then nighttime comes and what with all the coughing and congestion and these bothersome sore throats, the kids are up so much more and hence, so am I.  :)  Last night Audra was up at 11:30, 12:30, 1:00, 2:00... just waking herself up with her coughing and wanting some comfort, wanting to be held and prayed for or for me to just lie beside her and hold her hand.  Poor sick little sweetie.  Finally at 2:20-something I brought her back to bed with us- and we all slept much better from that point on.  Anyway-- as a mama I'm pretty tuckered out and am really going to try not to take it for granted when we are all feeling well again.

So recently when I read that verse--- it brought me such encouragement: God sees.  He knows all that I do. Every single act of service will be not just acknowledged, but rewarded.

And it was also encouraging in reminding me that it is GOD I am serving, not man.  It's all about Him.  My acts of service to Mark, the kids, others... it's all an offering to God.  (So, note to self: *Do more of it!* and with a right spirit, not a grumbly, complainy heart.)

*  *  *

Also, just a quick note to let you know that I'm going to be taking an extended break from the internet.  I won't be blogging or checking blogs.  I will be checking email, so you can reach me there and if you comment here on the blog I will get it via email.   Blessings to all of you!   ~Stacy  


  1. stay healthy...rest when you can.

    Enjoy your break and your beautiful children that God has blessed you with. Praying for healing for all of you.


  2. Thanks for always being such an encouragement, Stacy. I'll miss you while you're gone.
    Hope everyone gets better soon.

  3. I will pray that you are all feeling better. Thank you for your encouragement! Enjoy your break~ You will be missed!

  4. Thank you for serving us all so faithfully, (not just when we're all sick, but everyday.) I love you so and pray that you get some rest.

  5. Bless you as you bless your family and your marriage and live a "quiet" life :)

  6. Hope you guys are all feeling better and regaining strength and perspective...

  7. it's so hard when everyone is so sick. Thinking of you today as you serve your family faithfully...

  8. thinking of you, Stacy! I pray all is well with your family tonight. ♥

  9. Just missing your posts here...

    and missing you.
    perhaps I should put this computer down and find you what you're up to. :-)

  10. Stacy,
    My name is Rachel Oscarson. I am good friends with Kylie Fleming. My husband and I have three children and have decided to add to our family through adoption. Right now the whole thing seems very overwhelming and Kylie thought you might be a good one to talk to about your experiences. At this point we haven't even picked an agency or decided domestic vs. international. I would love to chat when you have a moment. You can contact me at oscarsonfamily@yahoo.com.
    Thank you!

  11. missing you here! i check back every so often, hoping you've "returned" ... :) hope you are well.

  12. miss you too Stacy. Thinking about you this morning! Love, Andrea

  13. Thank you for thinking of me, sweet friends!

    (((blessings to you all!)))

  14. Hi Stacy,

    Just decided to pop over and see if you had started blogging again......I miss reading your blog! Hope all is going well with your family!


  15. Just thought I would pop over and see if you were back to blogging. I miss reading your blog! Hope you and your beautiful family are doing well.



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