03 April 2012

Checking in...

Hello friends,

I just wanted to check in briefly with you today to let you know that all is well here in our home and family.  Many of you have emailed or commented inquiring about how we are-- and thank you!-- we are doing great! 

We are busy schooling, and enjoying it so much.  I think we have seven or eight weeks left until we're done for the summer!  It is so rich and rewarding, and I am thankful each day for the privilege of schooling my kids. 

We're getting outside more as Spring teases us with occasional appearances-- and looking ahead to new baby chicks and gardening and more sunshine. 

We have celebrated birthdays-- Adelia turned 4, two days later Audra turned 3, and a month later Isaias turned 7!

I have been studying the book of 1 Peter through a Precept class in our church- and enjoying that so much.  I'm also in the process of memorizing the book of 1 Peter (a challenge, for sure!- and I'm still in Chapter 1, but it's a goal I'm sticking to.  I was encouraged to memorize an entire book after reading the book His Word in My Heart, by Janet Pope. )  Ella (10) is my competition.  I had been memorizing for weeks and had exactly ten verses memorized.  I posted the verses up on our shower wall, and one day after Ella showered she came out with all ten verses memorized.  The length of ONE shower.  Ten verses.  Yikes!  That was just the motivation I needed to press on and continue to be diligent in memorizing. :)  So we're memorizing together and that has been fun.  I've enjoyed this site immensely: Scripture Typer -- for those of you who are also memorizing!

We're in the midst of starting up a small group within our church community and we're excited about that.

Mark and I are happily creating fun date nights every other week and enjoying that time together. 

I made it to 2000 on my One Thousand Gifts list,  and am still counting.  :)

Life is full and we are thankful.

I hope you and yours are doing well. 

Much love,


  1. So happy to hear you are well. I've been praying for you-- God brings you to my mind at the funniest moments: when I'm considering re-painting my kitchen. When I changed our duvet cover. As we do copywork.
    Anyhow, bless you.

  2. Hi Stacy! Soo good to 'hear' from you. I miss your updates and encouragement. Blessings on your family and adventures together.

  3. Hey friend. Loved hearing from you.

    Love ya.

    PS. Go Ella! 10 verses in one shower is quite something.

  4. I have been thinking of you lately and wondering how everything is going... thanks for the update! I've also been encouraged to memorize Scripture lately so I'm excited for your journey. I love the shower wall idea. :)

  5. Yay, you popped in!
    Seriously, 10 verses is amazing! What a gift she has!
    So happy to hear your cheerful voice and know you are content in Him. love to you and all those birthday kids! :)

  6. Stacy, I've missed your sweet voice and lovely days here and on fb. It sounds like you are thriving and doing well. Good to see you back. love, andrea

  7. Annie~
    (((Oh, thank you!))) for the prayers! ~smiling at the funny moments I come to mind. :)

    Thank you, sweet Carolynn!

    Hi right back atcha. :)

    And I think of you and wonder how YOU are doing! {Much more important, you. YOU ARE GROWING A BABY!}
    Love ya.

    I think it's a great gift for a ten-year-old to have!
    Love to you and yours, sweet Heather. What a sweet comment you left me here... :)

    Aw, thanks, Andrea. :)
    Blessings to you!


  8. Oh those young brains...nothing more humiliating than playing "memory" with a young'un. :) Bravo for you, mama.

    It's good to hear your voice again. You have been missed!

  9. Hi Stacy!
    So glad to hear that you and yours are well! Enjoy that spring time and all the new life it brings!

  10. So glad you are back. I've been checking your blog regularly and missing you. Glad to hear that things are running smoothly in your home. Stop by and visit sometime.



  11. Melissa,
    Thank you! I will stop in. :)
    Blessings to you and your sweet family!


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