09 April 2012

Nature Study idea

Mark took our kids to a nearby wooded area for Nature Study today.  He asked them each to scout out a spot, and then he used some string and sticks to stake out a square yard around each child and asked them to observe what they saw in that space.

Audra made a "Little House house" for some of her dollhouse figures
[I feel that I should also note, here, that she dressed herself today.]
Isaias discovered lots of bugs in a log

Ella contentedly observed and drew pictures of everything in her area

Isaac found a spider and inspected the roots of an upturned tree

....and Adelia wandered

The kids all enjoyed this activity, and spent over an hour doing this.  Whenever any of them made an exciting discovery (like a centipede or some bug or spider eggs), they would holler and the others would go join them and they'd all observe it together. Their big "find" of the day was owl pellets.

Mark thinks he got the idea from this book, which has several great Nature Study ideas:


  1. I love how your home schooling is so simple and fun and do able.

  2. Each one enjoying God's creation in their own way, Adelia included! Thanks for sharing this with us!

  3. Fabulous idea. I lvoe seeing your kids-- getting so big!

    1. They are getting so big. Mark informed me last night that Audra buttoned up her jammies all by herself last night. It's the end of an era. :(

  4. Owl pellets! I have to ask if you could discern any of the owl's diet from the owl pellet? How fun!!
    -Rebecca M

    1. YES. Many distinguishable mice bones. The boys (and Mark) were thrilled. The girls-- less so. ~smile~

  5. Ha! My boys would be ecstatic! :)

  6. Oh what fun, what fun!!

    mama to 8
    one homemade and 7 adopted

  7. It looks like great fun! You have a lovely blog and testimony. God bless!

  8. Hi Stacy (:
    Catching up with you here - reading and enjoying it so much. Miss M and I love the pic of Ella in this post ♥Q


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