23 July 2012

Copywork for the boys, 2012-13

Charlotte Mason wrote:

“A Child should Execute Perfectly. No work should be given to a child that he cannot execute perfectly, and then perfection should be required from him as a matter of course…Set him six strokes to copy; let him, not bring a slateful, but six perfect strokes, at regular distances and at regular slopes. If he produces a faulty pair, get him to point out the fault, and persevere until he has produced his task; if he does not do it to-day, let him go on to-morrow and the next day, and when the six perfect strokes appear, let it be an occasion of triumph. So with the little tasks of painting, drawing, or construction he sets himself--let everything he does be well done… Closely connected with this habit of 'perfect work' is that of finishing whatever is taken in hand. The child should rarely be allowed to set his hand to a new undertaking until the last is finished.”

The idea is quality over quantity, which is why last year I had the boys copy just one letter at a time, and execute that letter to the best of their ability just three times.  I used to go for quantity- (poor Ella!) but have since learned that everyone is happier if I assign less but expect it to be done WELL. (So even though I toyed with the idea of having them copy George Washington's Rules of Civility (we are studying American History, after all!), I decided against that and am stepping up from one letter a day to one word a day.)

I decided to do the books of the Bible-- something we've done in the past for memory work-- but this will serve as copywork for this year and a refresher on the books of the Bible.  Handy!

So, in their copywork jar are two copies each of each book of the Bible.  They'll each draw one out, find where it goes (I've lightly penciled in all the books of the Bible on the left-hand side, in order), they'll tape or glue their slip of paper over my word, and then write the word (once!) in the space on the right-hand side.  Eventually they'll have written all 66 books of the Bible, in order!

*UPDATE: Annie asked in the comments if I'd be willing to give this information out so that she could use these copywork pages, too.  I am completely willing, always.  (Honestly- I had thought about posting it but then was all, "Well- that's sort of presumptuous to think someone might want it." so I didn't.  But goodness!  Ask and I am always happy to share!  :)But apparently it's impossible to post pdf documents in Blogger, so I've posted them into Google docs. (This is the first time I've done this, so I hope it works for you.  Please let me know if you try it and it does work.)

For the link for the copywork pages, click here. (you only need to print page 1.  page 2 is blank.)

For the link for the listed books of the Bible, click here.
*August 3rd UPDATE: Grr.  My little plan to post those into Google docs did not work.  Sorry!  If you're interested in the files, just email me and I'll email them to you.  Several of you have done so and that is working just fine.  :)  (If anyone knows another way for me to make them accessible here on the blog, let me know!)


  1. Oh, I really like this idea! I have a little guy who's starting kindergarten this year. Right now he's in the "one letter" stage, but when he's ready for something more, I might borrow this from you, Stacy! Thanks!

  2. Okay, because I'm such a lazy-bones (or because you're so brilliant and already did all the work) could you post the file of the names and dotted lines so I could borrow this idea from you? (If you're thinking, "Seriously there's no way I'd do this, it would be like embroidering her wedding dress to match mine," I won't be offended.) Blessings, Annie

    1. Annie~

      You and your "it would be like embroidering her wedding dress to match mine" comment make me laugh!

      I think (?) I was able to post those for you in Google docs, but let me know if that doesn't work or is a hassle, and I'll email them to you.

      I'm always happy to share anything! Totally- I already did all that work of fussing with the spacing and everything-- might as well save everyone else the trouble! :)

    2. Awwwwww, thanks! And I bet your wedding dress was GORGEOUS!

  3. I tried to download the links, but it told me File Not Found. :-(

    1. Shoot! I'll email them to you.
      (When I click on them, I see them, so if it doesn't work for anyone else, let me know and I'll email them to you, too.)

  4. I also tried to download the link,and got the same result.thank you so much for trying though.you have good school ideas.god bless monica

    1. Monica~
      If you email me (click on the sidebar where it says "I'd love to hear from you"), I'll email you back the files.

  5. Same for me! :) I think I need an email.

    Thanks for being you. Generous, joyful, creative you.


    p.s... praying.

    1. Elise,
      Oh, drat. [Silly ways-of-the-computer-world-I-do-not-understand!] Emailing you, now. Happily! :)


  6. I would like a copy, please! :-)


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