11 August 2012

Fun links! (Printables!)

These (free!) printable Morning Routine Cards are cute.  I may print some of these out for the little girls!

And these (free!) printable ABC Scripture Cards are super cute, too!  What a creative mama! 


  1. LOVE the Morning Routine Cards ... if only I had mire time to create more time ;)

  2. Those morning routine cards are super cute! However, I think it is hilarious to make a card that says, "Use the Bathroom." I am thinking one does not need it on a to do list. :) On the other hand, maybe so!

    {And while I am talking to you, I miss you! We've got to get together soon!}

    1. Yeah-- I thought of that, too-- and then I thought about the fact that every.single.morning we have to tell one of our girls to "get to the bathroom" to take her diaper off (otherwise she keeps it on and keeps right on using it!). Then of course, I'm sure by the time she got out to her little posted cards we would have already done that. ;)

      I miss you, too, friend! Love you.

  3. I saw this and thought of you, so many free printables (found via Money Saving Mom today) http://www.motherhoodonadime.com/kids/calendar-binder-free-printables/
    great ideas for teaching #s, calendar, etc.


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