31 August 2012

One week down

We had a really good week, overall.  But it was a taxing week for me.  I'll get to that in a minute.


-bedroom mailboxes

-Landmark cards are back (as per the kids' request).

-breakfast helpers.  Even though one child didn't show up, and another was there, but really just stood there talking the whole time and telling me about the dream he/she had. ;)   I am still thrilled, help or no help.  :)

-introducing (and implementing) our "Wednesday Walk", where we take a walk every Wednesday after breakfast.  We packed up our nature journals, pencils, bags for collecting nature-y things, a blanket and our history read-aloud, and headed for a nearby park.  We collected treasures along the way: pinecones, fall leaves, and little helicopters, mostly.  When we got to the park, I let the kids play for about an hour (along with the preschool class that showed up.  Probably twenty preschoolers with two teachers, who promptly sat down on the bench and supervised from afar.  Since we were actually playing, most of the preschool class gravitated towards us, and we got to entertain them for most of the hour.  (Delight!  I'm serious.  I mean, phooey on those teachers for missing out on all the fun!)  We learned all their names and ages and Ella thought she'd died and gone to heaven because they were all so cute and now she wants to be a preschool teacher, as well as a mommy, a missionary, a mail carrier, a babysitter, and a nurse.  (Yes.  Those are all actual things she's recently told me she'd like to be when she grows up.)  Anyway, then I called my kids over to the blanket and we sat and drew while I read aloud and after about 20 minutes, they played again for about 15 minutes until we had to leave.

-getting dinners on the table each night we schooled (M-Th, this week).  Success!

-one-on-one English time with the kids

-buddy times (I had forgotten how much the little girls love this time!) I'm more organized with buddy time activities this year and that is helping.  I now have a list:

So now it's not up to the older child to find *just the right thing* that their little buddy wants to play/do.  I have a schedule.  And they do the next thing on that schedule.  Period.

-new books! (assigned reading shelves + our history book bin + our new read-alouds)

-kitchen chores in the evenings.  Mark is in the process of making a *kitchen clean-up playlist*, and we all sing and enjoy working alongside each other.  Favorite songs, so far: 
Ho Hey (The Lumineers)
We Are Family (Sister Sledge.  I only know the artist because I just looked it up.)
Farther Along (Josh Garrels)
The Sweetest Song I Know (Russ Taff)
Ain't No Mountain High Enough (Extreme Party Animals- seriously? Is that truly the name?)
In The Light (Charlie Peacock)

* * *
The challenge- for me- was just transitioning back to the constant demand for my attention.  One child is weepy over a math problem and needs me.  While I'm doing that another child is calling me, needing me to answer a question.  All the while the girls are waiting for me to put a movie in for them or to help them with a toy or a zipper or read them a story or get that dolly's dress on or get them a drink or just wanting to be held, and another child is waiting in line to ask a question.  And.... Repeat, for the entire time we're doing school.   In addition to that, I have this running to-do list going on in my head the whole day, too- *put in a load of laundry *thaw meat for dinner,  etc.    I felt like I was running to catch my breath most of the day.  Which I was truly okay with... until quiet time, which I was so desperately looking forward to, and then I didn't get it, due to disobedience and interruptions.  A couple days of that pace (with no down time) had me a very tearful, wanting-to-run-away-from-home-Mommy as soon as Mark got home in the evenings. 

One night Mark got home early enough for me to go for a jog.  And that was good for me.  (Note to self: exercise is important.)  While I was running, I was reminded of these verses:

Mark 10:45
For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.

Philippians 2:3-4 
Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.  (italics mine)

This dying to self is difficult.  I find that I go through my days holding out for quiet times- some peace, for me! finally!  And if I don't get it, I get cranky.  I need to remember that God has me covered.  He knows what I truly need.  The best thing I can do is lay it before Him in prayer- "Lord, please give me rest." And then trust Him.  He will provide the rest I need as He sees fit.  In the meantime, He will strengthen me to keep going.

And I love it.  I do.  I don't wish it any other way.  What a privilege and honor it is to be with these dear little people each day.  I am so blessed!


  1. Yay for a great week! Dinner on the table every night plus school, is a definitely a success!

    Glad to hear you were able to go for a run too. I love having that time with the Lord.

    I'd love to hear your thoughts on kids in sports or outside activities sometime. What has worked best for your family?

    1. Thanks, Wendy.

      (I'll post on your question soon!)

  2. Ohhh, I so relate to this post, Stacy! We wrap our second week of school tomorrow, and the juggling of first grade, kindergarten, preschool and nursing/teething infant is... well, it's beyond a full time job. But wow--what a blessing to be able to do family life this way! I wouldn't trade it for many millions!!!

    1. Oh, so it's not just me? *grin*
      I think one of my weepy comments to Mark this week, right after I said "I cannot do this." was: "I don't think there is one sane person who can handle this job."
      But yes... it is pure blessing.

  3. Mark has just informed me that "Extreme Party Animals" are not the original artists to the song Ain't No Mountain High Enough. They are a cover band. In case anyone needed to know that, there you are. But that IS the version we listen to in our kitchen in the evenings. Because we're party animals like that.

    1. I can see you in my imagination, you party animals! Love it!

  4. So glad to hear all the things you planned are coming together for you! And thank you for keeping it real. :)

  5. Ahhh yes, I have felt the exact same way...and God reminded me of the exact same thing!

    1. Our sermon at church this morning was about Jesus washing the disciples' feet- and I thought, "This is such an apt word considering my week." God is good to remind us of the truth when we need it!

  6. I love your honest heart! We start this coming week. And I can tend to get cranky when I don't get my little window of time too. Thanks, now it is fresh that I might likely not get it lol!

    I was looking through pens yesterday at Staples and I came across pastel sharpies and I immediately thought of you friend and your lovely hand written lists. Love'em!

    1. That makes me SO happy that when you saw Sharpies you thought of me. YES! :) Because I love them and I love making notes/lists/labels/signs. :)

      Love you, friend!

  7. What a great post. This is how I feel too. Like I am catching my breath. It is an intense ride that is for sure! It is that out of breath feeling that keeps me from doing great-fun things like your walk to the park. I love that you did that! What a wonderful scene that must have been. Your cute family on a blanket at a park reading aloud.

    I wish we could meet you there once a week and do a read aloud together! Wouldn't that be a blast.

    1. That WOULD be fun. One of these days we'll do (drive to) Hovander, closer to you-- and then maybe you can make it. ;)

  8. Can I just say I feel like I could write this post? I loved it! We haven't started school and I would have a lot more weepy moments (5 females in the home ;), LOL), but this was so encouraging!!! Thanks so much! I love this buddy list!!!!!! I am so going to do this!!!!

    1. Oh, good. Glad you can relate. We only have 4 females in our home, including me. (Sometimes I feel sorry for my husband.) I'm glad the buddy list helps you!

  9. Oh my yes, that constant demand of my attention......exactly how I felt this week too (we started school on Wednesday). I forgot how exhausting it was.......But His strength is made perfect in our weakness!

    Totally off the subject, but I found this fantastic blog on haircare and thought of you! http://www.chocolatehairvanillacare.com.

    1. I (now) LOVE that blog! Thanks for the link. :) My other hair blogs are no more so I could use some fresh inspiration. (Jadyn's hair looks so cute, BTW-- you're doing GREAT, Sarah!)

  10. I'd come do evening chores in your house if I got to listen to that playlist!

    1. Fletch~
      If you're ever in the area, come on over. We'll create a chore for you AND add some Buffett to the playlist. :)

  11. oh, stacy ... how i relate! in fact, i wrote a spontaneous and probably super discouraging post on my blog on friday along these same lines. like, i can't do it. my perspective can get so stuck there and then my emotions just follow ... but when i just flip the "script" and see the TRUTH: WOW, i GET to be home (years of prayer and hoping for this); WOW, i GET to be having another miracle baby in a few weeks (years of prayer and hoping) and this season is fleeting and what a gift to be the primary influencers of our precious gifts. all of it, a gift. and hard :)

    1. Yes! I love that--- it's so important to "be thankful always" and keep that perspective. We need it when things are a little desperate! (Blessings to you on your miracle baby! I'm excited for you!)

  12. Lovely post - I am glad there are other mommies still catching their breath .... can't wait to check in again. I found you on Heather's blog.




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