08 October 2012

{In the kitchen}

Freshly baked bread.  My grandma's white bread recipe.  (I have long wanted the recipe but always forgot to ask her for it.  She emailed it to me sometime last year, so now I'm making good use of it.) I think of her each time I bake it, and I get to read her instructions, which I love.  Things like:

8+ cups of flour (until the right consistency, I guess! :-))

Best way to eat it?  Toasted.  With butter.  And honey drizzled over the top.

I can't eat a slice without thinking of my grandma, in her kitchen-- kneading this bread, or waiting for it to rise with a little cloth over the bowl, or slicing it up and toasting it for us breakfast.  My sister and I always loved grandma's bread.  (And she always had it available, too.  I'll have to ask her how often she used to make it.  Or maybe she just made it whenever we were coming because she knew how much we loved it.)  Either way, now my kids love it, too- and I feel like I'm sharing a little piece of grandma with them every time we eat it.  Toasted, with butter and honey. 

I've just convinced myself to send grandma a card and tell her all of that. 


  1. what a sweet reminder of love. looks like you have a lot of love not only to enjoy, but to share.

    mama to 8
    one homemade and 7 adopted

  2. i'd love to have the recipe. my girls have made a white bread recipe from an older blog (i used to read it a lot when Brian was overseas ... 2006-ish, can't remember the name) several times ... it's very yummy.

    i have several recipes my grandma wrote down for me a few years back. they are very, very precious to me now. SEND THAT CARD.


    PS I tried to email you the other day, and it wouldn't go through(?)

  3. I'm back ... I'm having trouble with the "contact me" b/c I can't figure out how to get my Outlook set up, lol. My email address is jmdhenson AT msn DOT com ... do you understand my "code"? :-) Thanks so much!

  4. This is sweet! I know what you mean, too. I have my Grammy's "Overnight Buns" roll recipe. It makes a huge batch, so I split the dough and make half rolls and half cinnamon rolls on Christmas morning. Grammy made these for years, and I think so warmly of her whenever I make them now.


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