04 October 2012


If you've not yet read this post, you must:

The story of Katie's adoption

Wow.  There are no words.  Just tears and awe at the way God works to deliver the orphans.

I love this, from the post:

Before this, God had made it clear that I was to pick up the pencil and write what He was doing. Now it seemed to us that He picked us up as though we were the pencils, and continued to tell the story using our lives.


  1. This is truly one of the most amazing posts that I have EVER read!!! Thank you for sharing the link! :) Love you!!

    1. Love you! {thinking of you, today, as you journey to the country of YOUR adopted son's birth!} Much, much love...

  2. I am so happy to read this update from her. I remember reading when she first met Katie and then watching that sad and disturbing video about these orphans. What a wonderful thing to see sweet Katie thriving.

    1. I remember that, too. Her transformation is so amazing! Praise God!

  3. I was moved by this post as well...cried too! How wonderfully written. Thanks for the link! Henna-Maria


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