01 January 2014

2014 Bible Reading Plan (a chapter a day)

Three years ago I read through the entire Bible in a year.  It was the first time I'd done that.  I felt such a sense of accomplishment at the end of that year.  I know that it doesn't matter.  It's not like Jesus loves me more because I was able to read the whole Bible in one year.  But it was a good discipline for me.  And, since I like to check things off a list?-- I really enjoyed having a box to check each day.

Two years ago I came up with my own Bible reading checklist: read a chapter a day.*  That way I was still making my way through the Bible, but at a slower pace, (for me: allowing time for other Bible study, prayer and journalling).  And a chapter a day was a goal that was reachable even for some of my kids. 

For 2013 we continued reading a chapter a day*, each day of the year.

And now it's 2014, and time to come up with this years plan.  So I'm working on it, and hope to have it available to you soon!  However, we've all been hit with influenza so my progress has been slow.  I know some of you have been doing this, too- and if you're waiting for your copy, I do apologize.  I'll get it done as soon as I can.  (Just start reading Leviticus, one chapter a day.  It's the first book we'll read through.)

Blessings to you and yours,

1 comment:

  1. Just catching up here on your posts and I will try to read along with whatever plan you have made. Read the first four chapters in Leviticus last night and about to go work on five right now so I can stay on track.
    Thanks for helping organize my reading. :)


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