28 April 2014

Open house: Monday, April 28th

We finally got a new camera-- we've been without a camera now for over four months!  Crazy.  So I thought it would be nice to show you some pictures I snapped this morning.  Except our laptop is in the shop.... again.  And for whatever reason our very-old laptop (the one we're using in the meantime) isn't too keen on me posting pictures, so I'll have to take a rain check on the pictures, and post words instead.
Outside my window...
...the sun is shining, skies are blue, and it feels like spring.  I'm loving it.  The perennials are happily growing, the garden is ready for rototilling, the lilacs are just beginning to bloom.  (As in- a *few* open flowers on each bunch, but that's quite enough for me to have already cut two bouquets for the house this morning.  They are so fragrant and I love them. 

I am thinking...
...that my plan for Audra to spend part of her quiet time in the bathtub was brilliant.  If she weren't in the tub, she would be checking in with me every 3 minutes and now... she can't.  But I can hear her and she's having a blast!

I am thankful...
...for a fun school day with the kids- much of it outside.

In the kitchen...
I actually planned meals for this week, so that's fun.  Minestrone soup tonight.  And bread.

I am wearing...
Long, knit, black Target maxi-skirt, with a brown v-neck tee.  Bare feet.  Hair up.

I am creating...
Well.  I sewed four new pillow covers yesterday- for our living room pillows.  Cute new fabric.
And this morning I drew some flowers that are currently blooming in our yard/garden during nature study. (Pretend I'm inserting a picture, here.)

I am going...
....to read my book when I'm done with this blog post.

I am wondering...
...why my computer won't let me delete that "I am wondering" line.

I am reading...
I Shall Be Near To You, by Erin Lindsay McCabe- about a woman who disguises herself as a man and joins the Union army so that she can be near her husband.
The Living Page: Keeping Notebooks with Charlotte Mason, by Laurie Bestvater
The Boy on the Wooden Box, by Leon Leyson- (read-aloud to the kids) a memoir about a Jewish boy living in Poland whose life was saved by Oskar Schindler.

I am hoping...
...for a good nights sleep tonight.

I am looking forward to...
...Mark coming home from work.  Always.  I love that husband of mine.

I am learning...
...that waking the kids earlier in the mornings makes for a more productive (and smoother) school day, that I love setting aside one chunk of time each week (with Mark) to plan school for that week, that every.single.year when spring hits, I want to launch right in on planning for our next school year.  (I am reminding myself to slow down (on the planning) and finish *this year* well.)

Around the house...
We just finished painting our living room!  It was a dark red with cream trim, and now it's a blue-gray with white trim.  We love it.


  1. You are so productive! I wish I could sew four pillow covers, finish schooling, make dinner from scratch, and squeeze in time to read for pleasure! :)

    1. Elizabeth,
      Well. I should have probably mentioned that my bedroom is a MESS. As in- clothes all.over.the.floor that I keep stepping over and neglecting to put away. And I made the pillow covers *yesterday*, when Mark was home. And-- did I mention our laptop is broken? Which means I spend significantly LESS time on the computer which may help with the productivity factor!
      (((Blessings to you, sweet Liz.... and may you have time to read a good book SOON!)))


  2. (So thankful for extra time this morning to browse here. :)
    I love your open house- I almost feel like I'm there. (And, ahem, I just bought The Boy on the Wooden Box to read aloud as well as The Living Page just for me... I am anticipating my girl's great love of keeping notebooks as we enter even more fully into Ambleside with her next year. Thank you for the recommendations!
    And don't you just love painting? It's such an easy job and quick change and makes such a huge difference- it's one of my favorite things to do in this small house where we've rearranged the best we can and simply cannot make it flow any better... paint is the answer for this change-happy mama! :) I'd love to see before and after pics of the paint.
    Have a lovely day friend! Love you.

    1. Elise~
      Oh, HOORAY! I know you'll be inspired by The Living Page. It is that kind of a book. I just purchased a blank book to begin my own Book of Centuries and I can't wait to start it.
      And YES on the painting.... it has made such a difference. (That and furniture rearranging keeps me content in our small spaces.) I'll have to find some photos of before/after. :)


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