15 May 2014


Hello friends,

I hope all of you are well!


We are so enjoying this lovely spring weather we're having.  It's been positively summery!  Sunny days, blue skies, flowers all abloom, clothes breezily drying on the line, picnic lunches in the yard, and the kids happily playing outside for hours on end.  *love*  I am so grateful.

My girl with her snail family. {Ew! to the snails!  But I love this girl and her affection for all living things.}
I think we're all much happier when we can have lots of outside time, and while my kids are usually happy to play outdoors no matter what the weather, the rainy days definitely make for much shorter outdoor times.

(This little pile of Salt Water sandals by our back door makes me so happy.) 

We've been reading lots of good books, and I want to update you on those, too.  I will.  And we've been taking advantage of our warm days to get outside and do nature study, so I'll post some photos of that soon, too. 

Have a wonderful day!



  1. I drooled over Ella's salt water sandals at MomSpot!!

    1. Sarah! Ella told me you'd noticed them. ~smile~ I love it that she has the cheery yellow.

  2. Is that your new living room color? I love it! And I notice the cutest fabric on your kitchen chairs! It has been too long since I've been to your house, you are so good at making things beautiful my friend.

    1. Hi sweet friend. Yes! I know... you must come over. Much is the same, really, but those are two new things you noticed. Love you and miss you.

  3. I see and *hear* so much joy, friend. These days are precious, precious, and we are so blessed. The camera is doing well- it lets in so much light! :)

    1. We *are* so blessed, us mamas! Thank you for your sweet comments, friend!

  4. So glad to see all your photos again. Lilacs are one of my favorite too. We were married in May and I carried them in my bridal bouquet. Love your window and bunting. So fresh and pretty.

    1. Sweet Heather,
      It's good to hear from you. (I've been missing you at your blog, too!) I love it that you had lilacs in your bouquet. So pretty and it must have smelled glorious!


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