22 May 2014

Garden, planted.

We planted our garden one week ago:




Our garden right after planting.  What was green then: Isaac's volunteer pickling cucumbers (upper left), our happy rhubarb plant (upper right), and our spinach starts.

One of the things that delights me these days is an early-morning walk through the garden.  Just so I can peek to see if any tiny plants have poked their heads up through the soil into the light of day.

I seriously love this.

Just two days ago we saw the first sign of green.  Our rows of romaine and butterhead lettuce were taking shape.  Nothing new the next day, but last night we spotted some cucumbers, and by today the sunflowers were also coming up.  This evening I walked through the garden and snapped some pictures:

a row of butterhead lettuce
sunflowers.  (how much do you love that little seed right there, tucked over the green plant coming up?)

And so our garden grows.

I'm still on the lookout for our beans, carrots, and the dill.


  1. I am the same way. I just put in some of my seeds on Tuesday and I love popping out there to see if anything has sprouted. It's the mother in us, we love our seeds and seedlings. :)

    1. I'd never thought of it that way, Heather-- that "it's the mother in us." :)

  2. Looks good. So fun to watch it grow. We usually plant a garden but since we got the dog we decided this year would be frustration for us all. We are going to be away camping much of the summer as well. By next year we will have built the fence. If the dog will eat dandelions, he will eat my garden :) Looking forward to all the upcoming pictures of your harvest.

  3. Oh, hooray for little growing things, Stacy! Bob has been busy building me raised garden beds and as of yesterday, most of them have been planted. It is such a joy to see what is coming up!


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