25 March 2015


Thank you, friends, for your kinds words and emails from my last post.  You're all so very sweet.

In my journal the other day, I listed some things I was thankful for in our homeschooling day, so I thought I'd list them out, here, too...

* * *

4802 | being able to sleep in a bit today (thank you, Peter Pan, for entertaining the kids.)  ;)

4803 | morning hugs from Audra

4804 | Bible time with the kids over breakfast (reading about Moses)

4805 | getting outside for playtime and Nature Study and- when I called them in, they asked for extra time outside because they were having so much fun playing whatever game they'd made up out in the yard together.  [Time given. ;)]

4806 | storytime with the kids on the couch, all the kids, all gathered around.... that sweet coming together that reading provides. 

4807 | the All Kinds of Kisses book that Adelia chose for me to read, a book about farm animal mommies snuggling and kissing their little ones, and in which I announced that she would be getting kissed every time I read the word "kiss".  So I tried to smooch her for each page and she hid beneath the blanket and giggled, and all the kids along with her.

4808 | Audra (6), telling me about the movie Peter Pan and how "that girl was acting all fancy and stuff" toward Peter.  (I believe we would call it flirtatious but I loved her description!)

4809 | the sounds of the kids practicing piano

4810 | a good day of math for Ella~ no tears!

4811 | Clipboards!  how well they've taken to them, and how great it is that they are working more independently.

4812 | Spelling with Isaias

4813 | Mark home for lunch

4814 | dinner in the crock pot (pork roast)

4815 | Mr. Putter & Tabby books, because we just love them.

*This post contains affiliate links
**Still counting up those "thousand gifts" in my journal.... :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh Stacy, your comment on my blog brought ::tears:: to my eyes. So beautiful and I felt the words of your prayer. On the outside, I keep going through the motions, but on the inside, I'm deeply aching to be where I belong - h.o.m.e.

    I know it could all be worse, and that keeps my heart grounded to remain faithful and just believe that Father above has a greater plan than I can imagine.


    Thank you for sharing your counted blessings. Maybe I need to start numbering all of mine.


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