13 March 2015

History and Journaling, all in one post.

Hello friends,

Happy Friday to you.  :)  On Friday mornings my beloved mom takes the kids for a couple of hours so that I can have some time to myself.  (What I look forward to on Fridays is the quiet.)

Often I'll just stay home, clean the kitchen, make myself some coffee, and sit with my Bible and journal.  Sometimes I run errands.  Today I went to the bank, then dropped a bag of clothes off at the consignment store, and then drove out to Old Navy to make a return.  Then came home to clean the kitchen.  :)  I printed out some schoolish things I've been meaning to,  and now I have some time here to write.  :)  (Oh!  And I finally snapped some pictures of my journal so that I can show you a bit of it....)

First: History.  This year Ella and Isaac are both doing Ambleside Year 6.  I've recently decided to read what they're reading, so that I can track their narrations better and learn for myself, too.  We're currently reading Augustus Caesar's World, The Story of the Greeks, and Genesis: Finding our Roots.  I find it really hard to read history without taking notes of some sort, so in a blank journal I've been taking notes and doing some drawn narrations as I go.... really simply, like this:


And here are some snapshots of my journal.  I haven't been cutting out many (any?) things out of magazines like I used to, (mainly because Barnes & Noble stopped carrying my favorite magazine)  but I'm having fun nonetheless:

first page of my current journal
on a day when I took the kids down to Boulevard for nature study & cocoa
I even documented our bout of influenza!  ;)

*This post contains affiliate links


  1. I looove seeing how you journal! I recently started a history notebook for myself too. Right now I'm summarizing our timeline cards and adding little pictures. I'm having fun redeeming my public school education and learning alongside my kids. :) Thank you for sharing!

    1. Jodi~ Oh, you're so sweet. :) FUN about your history notebook, too! I'm hoping my kids will get into it and start their own notebooks. ;) Totally with ya' about redeeming our public school educations!

  2. Posting Victoria's emailed comment here, as she was having a hard time posting it:

    Lovely to see your journal pages, they look great! I enjoy keeping notebooks too, but always feel a bit weird about how many I have and I'm never really sure if I should keep them or throw them away! I'm loving getting a history education with my boys too, they all love history, especially military history! I just bought the first CDs of Story of the World - I'd been putting it off because they are quite expensive, but since they arrived on Thursday I think we've already had our moneys worth - they've been on non-stop almost lol!

    Hope you keep writing!

  3. Hannah~ Thank you!

    Victoria~ I switched up my comments to see if that helps with you leaving comments; or anyone else who has had troubles with that. Let me know if that helps at all, okay?

    And thank you for your kind words. I love to hear that you have a bunch of notebooks, too-- ;) We've never done Story of the World but I always hear great things about the CDs. :) Hooray! Blessings to you and yours,


  4. Can I just order a copy of your journal and call it mine? :) you are so creative and so incredibly inspiring! Thanks for sharing so much of your life!

  5. Oh, Sarah. You're so cute. :)

    Love ya! I keep thinking about having you over... maybe next week?



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