15 May 2016

Photos of our yard/garden

Look, photos!  (I just uploaded them straight into blogger (thank you, Tamara, for the idea), so the technical issues with Flickr/Yahoo remain, but I can do photos this way, so I'm thankful:

Garden planted, 2016 | carrots, pole beans, sugar snap peas, sunflowers, tomatoes, swiss chard, romaine, kale, spinach, cucumbers and rhubarb there on the bottom right.
The kids happily playing in the sprinkler while we also water the strawberries (in two raised beds, behind the girls, and in planters along the patio) and raspberries (along the fence).

New-to-them pool for the season.  They love it.


  1. Yay for pictures! I'm amazed to see children playing in sprinklers and a pool already. It's still far too cold here.

    Your yard and gardens are just beautiful. I hope to get a small area of our dirt growing something colorful this year.

    Thank you for the inspiration to count my blessings, again.

    1. You're welcome for any inspiration! :)

      It's quite unusual for us this time of year, too, honestly. Usually we're in a springtime season of rain and partial sun. :) But not this HOT summery weather. We'll take it, though! ;)

  2. Yay! I always look forward to your garden pics. So how do you water your main garden? Do you just do overhead watering over the whole thing? What time of day? I'm constantly trying to figure out the best way to water efficiently while still keeping everything happy!

    1. Aw! Thank you, Jodi. We just hook up the sprinkler and drag it around to whatever needs to be watered, every day or two in hot weather. In the early morning or evening.

  3. Hooray for pics! And I simply cannot believe how your sweetlings have grown ♥ so beautiful. Like Jodi, I always look forward to your garden pics and posts. Would love to share a cup of tea or coffee out there and have a chat. Love you! Q

  4. Wow!! Your garden is so wonderful! I've tried my hand at gardening a few times, but it's always so much nicer in my head. ;o)

    1. It's grown on me, the whole love-of-gardening thing.

  5. Oh.. and what's your picture secret!? I hate uploading them into Blogger!

    1. Do you have a Mac? It's fairly easy for me to upload from iPhoto....


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