12 May 2016

Random updates and some technical issues

Well.  I was all set to write a new post a few days ago and went to upload my photos to Flickr (so I could then pull them into my blog post; because that's how I do it) and suddenly I can't get into my Flickr account.  Lovely.  So... no photos.  You'll just have to imagine the photos.

Arghh.  Stuff like that completely stresses me out.  I had a good system, for *years*, and now all of a sudden they've changed something and I'm locked out.  I am SO not technically minded.  And I don't know what to do other than to email the customer care department (done) and pray that God will help me to figure that all out.  (A similar thing happened to my YouTube account, years ago.  We had changed our email and in all the notifying of various companies about the change, I forgot about YouTube, and so I lost access to my account because it was no longer linked to my former email.  I spent MONTHS trying to figure that one out.  To this day, there are all these sweet videos on there of my kids when they were little that I can watch, but not access.)  It breaks my heart and it's what makes me hate technology.  I don't always know all the rules and then suddenly it's out of my hands and I can do nothing about it.  And also, you can never reach an actual person about these things and I hate that, too.  Anyway.  I'll stop rambling about my woes.

* * *

We've been busy around here.  We planted our garden this past weekend (imagine photos here), which feels so good to get done.  We've had a uncharacteristically warm spring, and our weather feels much more like summer, and we could have planted a MONTH ago, but because of all that was going on with Isaac, such things fell by the wayside.  But now our garden is in and we're checking it daily for those first little plants.  This year we planted a patch of sunflowers, pole beans, sugar snap peas, carrots, romaine, spinach, kale and chard, tomatoes and cucumbers.  Our rhubarb is flourishing and providing us with all sorts of delicious baked goods, our strawberries are green and growing, and our raspberries and blueberries are coming along, too.

We bought a backyard pool for the kids and they've been happily splashing around. (Imagine more photos here).   I've been able to hang laundry on the line again, which I love.  It feels like summer, except, um: Hi there, SCHOOL.    We still have 9 weeks left.  Yipes.  So we've just been doing as much as we possibly can outside: read-alouds, morning time, painting, and nature study. And then go-get-your-books-and-a-blanket-and-find-somewhere-in-the-yard-to-do-your-schoolwork type of school.  Mommy will be right here, outside with you in case you need help.  ;)  And we're all loving it.

When I'm exercising, and not listening to music, I have been listening to:
~Sally Clarkson's At Home With Sally, with Kristen Kill
~Matt Chandler's sermons from The Village Church.  He's recently been doing a series on Family Discipleship that I've enjoyed.

Isaac has been well, and from all I can tell, healing in all areas.  Then this morning he told me his stomach was in pain, and he had joint pain again in his fingers.  OH.  So.  I quizzed him on everything he ate yesterday and can't determine what might have brought that on, so we'll keep waiting, watching, praying and taking notes.

Love to all of you!


  1. I am imagining your garden pictures so pretty! I'm sorry about your picture woes. I use blogger to upload my pictures and it's fairly easy. I hope that you find a solution.

    So happy to hear that Isaac has been doing well and a little saddened that in the same paragraph he started feeling pain again :( We are still praying.

    1. Oh, I should try that for the time being, at least. It's been so many years since I uploaded through blogger.... Thanks for the idea!

      (((hugs))) and thanks for your continued prayer and support!

  2. We're still praying too.

    You're so industrious! I grew up with access to a garden and it is such a lovely thing for kids to experience!

  3. I always love you hear about your garden, Stacy, and I think of you when I plant ours. And, sunflowers! I need to pick some seeds up so we can enjoy those this year. We chose a little by little planting and seed purchasing plan this year so that gardening would fit more kindly into our budget so our garden-planting is still in process. Peas, carrots, kale, basil, and cilantro are coming along and we just planted pumpkins. Do you do anything to your rhubarb? I have a rather young plant that isn't looking super healthy. I will continue to pray for Isaac!

    1. Ah! Thanks, Rebecca! Hooray! Our rhubarb is just so happy and we do nothing to it. (When we first moved here, it was tucked into a corner of our yard- always in the shade and looking quite sad, so we moved it out into the garden space and it has thrived each year since.) Maybe try moving yours?
      Love to you and yours!


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