02 June 2016

Thoughts on ending the year well, poetry, and a God who knows us

Mark decided we would be done with our school year at the end of next week, so we are officially winding down, and I am thankful because it means the end is within sight.  Except now that I know that, suddenly my brain is revving UP for planning, and I keep reminding myself to slow down, get through the end-of-the-year evaluations first, and then allow myself to actually rest before the planning.  But I love planning.  And I've got ideas and so I am jotting them down and thinking about planning.  :) 

End-of-the-year evaluations are probably not what you think they are.  I generally interview each of my kids to find out their favorites of everything from chores to read-alouds to trips to subjects to activities.  All of it.  I have our schedule in front of me and I just ask away.  I find out their favorites and least favorites.  Then I ask what they missed; what they wish we had done more of, what ideas they have, etc.  Those are sweet conversations, and I learn a LOT.

Now that we're down to the last week, we're in review mode, and these past couple of mornings we've been reviewing the hymns and poems we've learned over this past year.  I was really curious to see if the kids would remember any of the poems we did back in September, and they do!  I'm so impressed by their memories.  (Note: I have learned words and lines, but I don't know that I could even recite one complete poem at this point.  Sheesh.)

This was the year I became a fan of poetry.  We have tried to tackle it every year, and usually start strong, but I always fade out.  This year I selected two poems per month, beginning the school year with fourteen poems tucked away, and then I scheduled it into our morning time and we read those poems every day.  And they learned them.  Simple as that.  And they love them and so do I.  I have our poetry books beside my bed and am already peeking into them to select some for next year.  The kids have also requested certain poets.

* * *

OH!  And I found this gem in the Psalms the other day and wanted to share it with you after my somber last postPsalm 38:9:
All my longings lie open before you, O LORD;
my sighing is not hidden from you.
I love that, don't you?  He knows us; He knows our longings and our every need and desire; our tears, our doubts, our disappointments, our pain.  He knows.  He is a hearer of our hearts. He sees all of us. He knows us intimately and personally.  I am so thankful, aren't you?

May you remember today that whatever your longings are; whatever your needs and sighs are-- He knows them already.  He loves you so very much.  (Praying particularly for you sweet readers here.  Tamara.  Quinne.  Candice.  Charissa.  And for you, Melissa, and for your sweet Abby.  And for you, too, Rebecca.)  I love you sweet girls.  I've been lifting up your needs before our Heavenly Father, and trusting that He who knows you will meet each need of your heart.  (((big hugs)))


  1. Oh, I love this so much. Interviewing your loves at the end of the year - such a brilliant idea. ♡
    Hugs! (And, I would so love to pick your brain for ideas for kindergarten for my josiah next fall ...)

    1. Emily! And YOU, my friend, I am also praying for YOU. Often you are on my prayer list. Blessings to you, sweet and courageous friend.

  2. Love your evaluation interviews! A beautiful way to have a conversation and complete a school year. I'm not sure when we will finish, but we keep plugging away.

    Excellent Psalm you shared! I am adding that to my commonplace journal.

    And, thank you for the virtual {{hugs}} and meaningful prayers! They are so appreciated.

    1. Tamara, When you add that Psalm- make sure to edit it to Psalm 38:9 (emphasis on the 8). I'd first posted it as Psalm 39, and another reader kindly pointed out my mistake. ;)

  3. Oh, happy end-in-sight! ^_~ I always start a new notebook at the end of the year, too. Hooray for ideas! I hope it's a gorgeous last week for all of you ♥ The Psalm is beautiful - thanks for sharing, and thank you for praying for me. Love you so!

    1. Thank you, Quinne. It is beautiful today (Monday), so we'll likely have a light day with lots of time outside, too! Love to you!

  4. I am inspired to begin poetry memorization again with my kids. I did it YEARS ago with my oldest then dropped off. Do you mind sharing where you've found good poetry for your children? My knowledge is limited to Silverstein, Prelutsky, and Robert Louis Stevenson! :)--Candice

    1. Yes. I should actually post a list of the poems we've done, because we have loved them. And then list the books we have, too. Another good online resource is Ambleside. Check here for their poetry information. That will help you get started. :)

  5. Those evaluations! I need to do something like that! (Because my kids would love being able to speak to me about their school year like that!)


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