14 June 2016

Settling into rest, and an update on Isaac

Hello, sweet friends!

How are you all today?

We are well.  I actually came down with some weird virus Friday night, so I spent all of Saturday in bed, with a fever and achy body and migraine-like headaches.  It was fairly awful, but with sickness also comes the kindnesses of my family: sweet get well cards from two of my girls, a kind son who comes up quietly, several times a day, and asks if he can pray for me, and then lays his hand on me and prays fervently.  Another son who comes and asks if he can rub my neck for me.  And my man, who took the day off to spend with the kids so that I could actually rest.

Sunday came and I felt slightly better, but we stayed home from church and ended up spending time in the yard and garden.  It was so restful.  Sunday night came, and it dawned on me that I didn't have any lesson planning to do. No weekly clipboard sheets to print out, no math lessons to assign, no new morning time material to find.

We are done for the year.  (!)

Monday came, and again I marvelled at all that is now not on our plate. It's actually quite staggering, how much space is suddenly in our schedule. We had a lazy morning, did our chores, and headed to the library.  We got stacks and stacks of books and came home, sat on the couch, and read a whole lot of them.  It was so satisfying, not to feel like we had other things to get to, something else school-ish to do.  

Mark asked how things went, our first Monday of no-school, and I made some remark about how the kids are probably a little unfamiliar with this more relaxed mama of theirs-- (she's more silly and more playful and fun).  And I told him that it truly feels good to settle into only being mama, and to check out of my teacher role for a season.  

Today the younger kids were getting restless.  I suggested board games, but that wasn't a hit.  The rain is coming down hard outside, watering our garden for us.  I made three batches of playdough and pulled out all the cookie cutters, rolling pins, and knives.  They've been at it now for more than an hour.  At first they were all pretending they work in a bakery and they were fashioning all sorts of little cookies, pies and tarts, and calling me in every few minutes to show me their creations.  Then they played "Chopped" (which they've seen all of two times), calling out a meal --I've overheard spaghetti, kabobs and hamburgers so far-- setting the timer, and then all working individually to make it.  Then one of the kids- the preassigned judge, judges their entries.  ;)

* * *

Isaac update:  Last week I was becoming increasingly anxious about Isaac's health.  He has been the same-- still making 4-5 trips to the bathroom every day, with an almost constant urge to go.  He still has mucous and blood intermittently. His throat still feels "snotty".  He spends nearly 30 minutes in the bathroom each time, so we're talking HOURS out of his day are spent in the bathroom.  This has been going on for more than four months.  He's tired of it, and has been increasingly discouraged (hence my increasing anxiety).

I pressed in to the Lord again, asking what we should do for him.  I keep asking God to lead us, to direct us to answers regarding his health.  We don't know what is going on with him, but God-- Creator of his body-- does.  I keep asking that God would reveal it to us and impart His perfect wisdom to us.  And I keep asking God to heal him, and continue to entrust him to God.

We feel like we've given it ample time to work it's way out of his system, whatever the elusive It is.  I spent Friday afternoon on the phone again with Children's Hospital, talking to the nurse a few different times, talking to scheduling, trying to get another appointment with the gastroenterologist.  They want us to drive to Seattle to get updated labs.  (And--- they can't get us in for an appointment until the end of August.)  I also researched a naturopath here in town that could do food allergy testing for him.  

On Saturday evening Isaac told me that he'd only gone to the bathroom ONCE.  ONE TIME.  And it was "normal".  (So... not diarrhea.)  You guys!  My jaw dropped open.  This is startling, considering these past several months.  I was floored, and just thankful even for this one day of rest for his body, for this one day of reprieve.  

On Sunday, he did not go AT ALL.  Not once.  He told me and I shook my head, in total wonder at what God has done.  I don't know if He has healed him or if He is just giving his body rest (both of which we've prayed for), but either way, I am SO thankful.

Monday, he went again, ONCE.  He said it was normal, just like it was "before all this started."

I don't have an update yet for today, but I am so incredibly grateful for even these three days of rest for his body; for God's goodness and for His temporary (if not permanent) healing.  

Thank you for your faithful prayers, dear friends. 


  1. Oh! What wonderful news of rest for your family and for Isaac! Praying for continued "normal" days for your boy.

  2. I know you don't know me, but I stumbled across your blog a few years ago, and have enjoyed being a 'silent' reader ever since. We are also a home-schooling family, five kids, and are currently in the process of adoption, and I just really feel like I 'connect' with your posts. I just wanted to actually comment and let you know that I've been praying for your Isaac anytime I think about it! Even though I don't know you, my mama heart goes out to you---it must be so hard to see him suffering and not know how to fix it! I am so glad to read this more positive post, and glad to hear that he has had some relief! I will continue to pray for his complete healing!

    1. Jaime~ Well, I am SO glad you came out of the silence and said hello! Thank you for doing so. It really means so much to me.
      And thank you SO much for your prayers for my boy. You are so sweet to have been praying for him, and God is answering your prayers! Blessings to you, sweet Jaime!

  3. Yay! Congrats on ending the school year, that's so exciting! And I'm so thankful for the news about Isaac. His poor body really needed that! Praying for continued healing.

  4. I was going to write you this morning and ask about your son. I'm so relieved to read his update. We are continuing to pray and will give praise for the rest he is getting now.

    1. Tamara,
      You are so thoughtful. Thank you. And thank you for your continued prayers for Isaac! Love to you!

  5. Enjoyed your post so much - do I say that every time? ^_^ Glad that you are feeling better and so thankful for the sweet summer days for you. We are overjoyed to read of Isaac's news and answered prayers. Love you!

  6. Thinking of you! I hope that all is well and that your son is still feeling better. I am continuing to pray. May you feel the Father's arms holding your hand and walking beside you :)

  7. Absolutely enjoying all these posts and Praise God for three days of improvement for Isaac!

  8. Thanks for the Play-Doh inspiration :)

    Will continue to lift up your Isaac in prayer!


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