04 September 2007

And if these aren't just the cutest kids EVER...

I mean, besides your own, of course...

Here are Amy's children with mine, at our playdate last week. Amy has been my dearest friend for as long as I can even remember, and it has been such a joy for us to watch our children become best buddies as well. We love growing up alongside this family!


  1. Those are DEFINITELY some very very CUTE kids!!!
    And, oh my goodness, Ella is looking so grown up!
    Oh how I wish we lived close enough to schedule a playdate with your sweet family!

  2. Yup, you got some keepers, cute, cute, cute. And what a blessing your friendship is with Amy.

    Looks like a good time for sure!
    mama to 6
    one homemade and 5 adopted

  3. Stacy,
    I really appreciate the variety on your blog. Thanks for you wisdom, humor, vulnerability, and photos.

  4. They are some cute kids! What a blessing to have such dear friends to grow with.

  5. ADORABLE! How in the world did you get them all looking at the camera at the same time?! :)

  6. Yes! Very cute and a great picture of them all laughing too!

  7. Reminds me of earlier photos of Lisa's and my children. But guess what? Now there are 14!

    Too cute! And such a blessing to have them all growing up so close.

  8. Ooh, they are SO cute!! I love the picture of them all laughing.


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