28 September 2007

The "E" word

Ann V. begins with these words: "Expectations kill relationship."

She had me at that "E" word. If you, like me, struggle with expectations, go read the rest of Ann's post.

And may your day be *full* of surprises.


  1. Hi Stacy! My sister, Quinne, recommended coming by, and how glad I am that I did. :)

    Thanks for all you share here ~ I look forward to reading more.

  2. What a true statement! I read this this morning but plan to read it again over the weekend to digest it more. Good stuff!

    I also made the Soft Ginger Snaps...they are so good! My only problem is I want to eat about 10 at a time :o) Maybe you should include a warning label with the recipe!

  3. Wow, Stacy! That was marvelous, and it bowed my head to my desk. How grateful I am to have a cup at all. I don't want to forget! Love you! Q

  4. I read this too. Wow! Had to grab the kleenex.
    Have a great weekend!

  5. I loved this. And I REALLY loved her Grace Surprises (?) post... the one with the dress. Hope you've had some lovely surprises today, Stacy.

  6. Thanks for directing us over to that post... VERY good reminder, maybe you could point us that direction, oh, once a week or something!
    Thanks also for the adoption update.

  7. I went right over and read it. WOW. Thank you Lord for my cup, my portion, and your grace. Blessings, Tami

  8. Like all our weaknesses, I think it is a flip-side of a strength. The longing for heaven (perfection) that the Lord put in us. This isn't all there is!
    But man, do I ever need the help of the Holy Spirit to rest in what he does or does not have for me today and quiet my expectations for tomorrow!

  9. I KNOW! It took my breath away, as always.

    Every day is full of those surprises - we just need to remember to look for them.

    Thanks for reinforcing her words, Stacy - I will head back to read again... and again...


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