30 September 2007

September adoption update: Part 2

Onto Part 2...

I left off by telling you we'd rescheduled our appointment with the state social worker.

She arrived on time and was a very pleasant woman to work with. She wanted a tour of our home-- inside and out-- and our kids led her through the rooms, pointing out everything they thought she should know about: "Come see our bunk beds! We have chickens! Do you wanna see our chickens?" As she walked through she asked questions and made observations. Things like, "Where do you keep your prescription medications? Your cleaning supplies? Your knives? Any alcohol in the house?" ...etc.

Then we moved into the living room where she declined my offer of molasses cookies (which is unfortunate for her because they are *so* good!) She sat down with an "Inspection sheet" and went over each list item specified by the state as to what condition our home should be in . Anything that was not up to par went on a sheet entitled: Statement of Deficiencies and Plan of Correction. (Sounds severe, doesn't it?) The sheet was a carbon copy, and the idea is that we then make a notation of our plan of correction, or: what we're going to do about it, including what date we will have it completed by.

Our list of deficiencies/corrections is as follows:

-We have a ladder leading up to the kids' playhouse that is deemed "unsafe" by the state.
CORRECTION: We need to write up a supervision plan stating that we will supervise children when they use the ladder.

-We do not have flashlights in our childrens' rooms.
CORRECTION: We'll place accessible flashlights in each child's room.

-Our bathroom floor is not sealed and "scrubbable". (Because we're in the process of refinishing that.)
CORRECTION: We're working on that. (Or, I should say, Mark is working on that.)

-We need to provide current insurance documentation. (We initially provided insurance documentation nearly a year ago; it has since been updated and we need current documentation for the state.)
CORRECTION: We'll photocopy that and supply it to the state.

-Check water temperature. Water temp. cannot exceed 120 degrees.
CORRECTION: Check temperature. (Did this already.)

-Bathtub does not have rail or non-skid pads.
CORRECTION: We'll get some. (Our tub now has these.)

-We have a fireplace.
CORRECTION: We will need to write up a statement indicating that our fireplace is not in use.

-Check smoke detectors.
CORRECTION: We'll check these and ensure they are operating properly.

-Fire escape plan.
CORRECTION: We will practice fire drills with our children. (And, um... we've never done this. It's been so long since I've even done a fire drill I am just not even sure how to go about this. What do our kids need to know? CUTZI...??? Anyone?)

-State needs our childrens' immunization records.
CORRECTION: We'll request these from their pediatrician, give to the state. (Done.)

-We have not been tested for TB.
CORRECTION: We'll be getting tested for TB. (Today.)

And that's it. There's our list. Not bad, huh?

We're working on the list, and when everything is completed we'll send our signed copy to our social worker who will then write up a report. She'll then send her completed report on to the powers-that-be (and I'm not sure who they are) who will then approve or disapprove us. Assuming we're approved, we will then receive our foster care license.

After that, we just continue waiting and praying for the child(ren) God is waiting to place in our home.


  1. Oooh, I am so impressed by your list! When we start this in January, hopefully our list is as short as yours!!!

  2. Hi! I'm Becca, I read your blog 'cause I think we've got a lot in common. I did foster care for several years and we had to put a fire escape map in each of the kid's bedrooms and practice periodically going to our designated "safe place" outside the house where we'd all meet. You'll have to talk to the kids about all the different ways to get out of different rooms. We decided against window ladders b/c we fostered teens and didn't want them escaping when there were no fires. Hope this answers your question a bit! Blessings!

  3. Oh boy. I know that is a short list, but it is even a little daunting to me and my dreams of someday adoption. Fireplace? We have a fireplace. That is a bad thing, right? Uh. oh. Ladder? Yup. Flashlights? No.

  4. Hi Stacy!

    How exciting! Your list is very "doable" (is that a word?) and you are almost ready to begin fostering. I am so excited for you and your family, and can't wait to hear more about the children God brings into your lives. And no molasses cookies for the social worker? What is wrong with that lady? LOL! :)

    ~Amy Crawford

  5. Wow, I can hardly believe I felt safe at your house with all those "deficiencies"! Seriously, it looks pretty good, like everything will be simple to "correct". And, I want to go make those molasses cookies right now, but I'm not going to because I know I would eat way too many.
    I'm glad the process is moving along, and pray that it continues to, and that God sets some children in your precious family at just the right time!
    Bless you,

  6. You may be interested in this:
    This is a friend that goes to our church that has adopted in state (albeit CA) and has had to comply with various state imposed rules. I remembered reading this and thought it was interesting.
    Godd to hear the up-date. Let's us know how to pray.

  7. Stacey -- how EXCITING. That is a very little list of things to do. Sorry I'm just reading this now, but at least I got the privilege of reading parts one and two in one sitting. I am so excited at what God is doing in your family.

  8. Waiting on God.
    Who is working it all out.

    Teach me, Father, to wait with such a trusting, patient heart.

    You bless, Stacy.

    Praying with you for just the One He means for your heart...

    All's grace,

  9. But at least we know the smoke detector works!!! Heard it myself!! =) Thanks for getting the house all safe for OUR next visit to see you!!! =)

    I am so excited to see the child(ren) God has already CHOSEN for your family!

  10. Hi Stacy,
    Wow! I am impressed! I have to laugh at your "deficiences". Some I have never thought of.

    You are a sweet soul to do all that! How blessed the children will be to come into your home (and not fall off ladders or contract TB!)

    I feel so sorry for that lady missing out on Molasses cookies! Oh well....

    I'm looking forward to your next update.

  11. We are in this process right now. We need 30 hours of classes (which I post about each week) and are only on #3. She visited our house once, and will come again, but never said anything about all of those little "things" like flashlights in each of the kids rooms!

    We are struggling with whether to take older kids. We are starting to think only younger than our youngest (4). What age are you looking for?

  12. We created little fire escape plans to post on the walls upstairs and downstairs in our computer's paint program. Then we set showed the kids how to remove their bedroom windows. We set off the smoke detector and let them climb out their windows and run to the our neighbor's mailbox. You have to do it once a month.

    We also found out that our brand new fire extinguisher is low and needs to be refilled. I've never heard of needing flash lights, though. We did have to move our knife block up to the top of the fridge so the kids couldn't get to it.

    Good luck and hopefully the waiting won't be too long!

  13. So glad for this update-- it will help me as I pray for you.

    I must confess, I was slightly bewildered at a couple of the things the state considers "deficiencies"... but at least it seems all the things are easily fixed.

    Hope you have a blessed day!

  14. Thanking all of you for your words of encouragement and for those of you who have fostered before and can give such practical suggestions with the fire-escape plan! I've said it before but I'll say it again: you women are the *best* of the best!!!

    Hope you all have a wonderful day!

  15. Wow Stacy...that is quite a list...I am questioning the "flashlight" thing, I think it is "nice"...but not sure how essential that is for "the list"

    We got the walk through in two houses now, the social workers never wanted to see the yard, or the barn. Bruce and I always joked that there could be a sink hole the size of the neighboring state and they wouldn't care. Mind you this is three separate workers on three different occasions...weird.

    It sounds like they are really looking for the safety of the kids, so this is good, and it looks like you've already got the majority of it taken care of.
    Great job my friend....praying for God to bless you greatly.


  16. Oh, don't you love checking things off a list? Especially one as important as this! I'm praying, Stacy.

  17. I was just passing through on line and I read your blog entry and it made me fall to knees in thankfulness that God did not sit down with a list of things I had to fix before He adopted me as His very own!

    He saved me from the eternal fire of Hell and now lovingly brings me into the refiner's fire of trials.

    He saved me from one that I might learn to rejoice in the other.

    Count it joy!

    Tami Rutledge

  18. I just wanted to say thanks for posting this. Most people are quick to tell me to adopt but when I ask about their home study they clam up.
    thanks for sharing with others who may be called to adopt but are curious how home studies go.

  19. I just found your blog today and can't seem to stop reading! We want to adopt (and like you, talked about it before we were even married) so it's great to read about your experiences, both with your son and the new adventure with the state. I went back and read all your posts under your adoption label. You describe everything so well and simple, yet still informative for those of us who are scared of the unknown. Thanks for sharing and I can't wait to hear...or read...more info on what's going on in your process.

    Praying for your process,

  20. swylv-
    Thank you for the comment! If you ever have any further questions about a home study or otherwise, I'm pretty much an open book, here. :)

    I'm glad these posts were an encouragement to you! :) Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment to say so. :)



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