12 November 2008

Baby: 26 weeks

We had another ultrasound today- to check on baby's heart. [At 20 weeks, baby wasn't being super cooperative for a good heart shot, so we got to check in again today.] All is well. And here are a couple of ultrasound pictures. This is the best I could do without a scanner:

Tomorrow I'll be 26 weeks. I can't believe how fast this pregnancy has gone so far. The days seemed to drag with the other two, but what with the busy-ness of four little ones, the days seem to fly. I imagine these next couple of months will scoot by even more quickly, since it's a busy time of birthdays and holidays.

I asked the nurse today how much weight I'd gained so far (whereupon Mark asked immediately, "Do you really want to know?" ~smile~ I did, in fact!) and she said 15-16 lbs. I feel it.

Our tiny one is moving and kicking so much these days. I'm at the stage now where you can look at my belly and see that baby move. I think all of the kids have been able to feel a good strong kick or two, with maybe the exception of Isaias. And I tell Adelia that it's too bad she doesn't appreciate the baby moving because it kicks for her most often: she's the one bouncing on my tummy and crawling up my lap on a regular basis, and the baby definitely knows when she's near.

I am so very thankful that God has given us this precious gift of another child, and one growing in me this time around. Words cannot do it justice. My heart is full. When I think of the years of prayers and longing and wanting and wondering and waiting and disappointments and finally- surrender, and acceptance that I wouldn't be pregnant again. And then this delightful (and very-much wanted) surprise! He is good.


  1. Stacy, I am so excited for you and your sweet family. I am looking forward to meeting you newest little one and bring him/her a baby basket!

  2. Wow, Stacy wow. I am in awe of these pictures. What a sweet little profile he/she has! I can not wait to cuddle this sweet bundle of joy!

    And I agree with you that it seems like she/he will be born in no time. The holidays go by so fast and then we recover and breathe and celebrate Mark's birthday. And then Adelia's birthday and then we meet this sweet one!
    It's so, so exciting.
    And that is a good weight gain for this point, good job! You are well over half way there!

  3. Oh Stacy, what sweet pictures! What a CUTE little face! Personally, I think it looks like a girl. :)

    So excited for you guys. He is good indeed.

  4. I love that you posted these ultrasound pictures, Stacy!

    It is a privilege to watch as God builds your beautiful family!

  5. Amazing! I thank God that we have technology that allows us to enjoy the miracle of life.
    So excited for you Stacy.

  6. Thank you for the tears... I needed that. What a joyous blessing this baby is.

  7. Beautiful baby. And God is SO good. Anticipating this baby with you ...

  8. How exciting! Glad all is going well. The baby already looks beautiful.

  9. I can't believe you're already that far along!!! Time DOES fly...especially when it's someone else's pregnancy!

  10. what sweet little peanut :) blessings to you!

  11. Hi Stacy :) He is good!! I am overjoyed for you all - so glad that you are well and baby, too. Thanks for writing your heart a little more here, for sharing this post today. What a lovely reminder of the fullness of his love and grace. Love you so! Q

  12. Yesterday I was sorting through pictures with my 8 year old. I found similar profile u/s scans of her. Time really does fly.

    So amazing how life grows inside us and then we get this cute little present at the end. Presents that may not sleep much (I'm so gratefully tired) but gifts all the same :o)

    I am so excited for you. So glad God has given you your hearts desire and what is even more beautiful is you are receiveing it in the midst of surrender to him. The things we desire are so much more sweet when we realize we don't deserve them or earn them.
    Prasie God for this little life that He has great plans for!

    Any names yet????

  13. I never tire of looking at sonogram pictures! We are created by a truly Awesome and Infinite Father!

  14. Oh, praise God! Thanks for sharing these pics of your precious little miracle! I can't believe you're over halfway already. So happy for you!


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