04 November 2008

Reading list

Since we're on the topic of books...

I've kept a running list- at least for about the last year and a half- of the books we've read aloud to the kids as well as the books that Ella has read on her own. I decided to post it here since some of you have asked what we've read. [Note: This is a rough list: there are no links, and several of these don't have authors listed with them, but here it is!] Feel free to ask me if you have any questions (or comments).

We're really choosy about the books we read and I feel relatively safe saying that none of these should be offensive to anyone.

2007 Read-alouds
The Big Milly Molly Mandy Storybook
Five Little Peppers and How They Grew; I wish we would have waited another year; Ella was only 5 when we began this book. And I think this was "older" than the Little House books.
Mr. Popper's Penguins
The Family Pilgrim's Progress (Jean Watson)
Stuart Little (E.B. White); I did not care for this book.

2008 Read-alouds
The Courage of Sarah Noble (short)
Wagon Wheels (Brenner); (short)
The Josephina Story Quilt (short)
Little House in the Big Woods
Little House on the Prairie
Farmer Boy
On the Banks of Plum Creek
By the Shores of Silver Lake
The Long Winter
Little Town on the Prairie
These Happy Golden Years
The First Four Years
Strawberry Girl (not my fave because of the fact that the word "hate" was used frequently and there were parts that SG was so angry that she said she wanted to "kill" the neighbor boy.)
The Pilgrim's Progress (Young Reader's Christian Library); with daddy
Daniel Boone (with daddy)
Charlotte's Web (with daddy)
Winnie the Pooh (with daddy)
Toliver's Secret (with daddy)
currently reading, with mommy: The Incredible Journey, Huguenot Garden
currently reading, with daddy: The Matchlock Gun

Ella, chapter books on her own (2008)
Days Go By
More Days Go By
First Steps
Busy Times
More Busy Times
Climbing Higher (the above 6 are all Pathway Readers)
In Grandma's Attic
More Stories from Grandma's Attic
Prairie Winter (Field)
The Cabin Faced West (Fritz)
Helen Keller (Stewart and Polly Anne Graff)
Helen Keller: Courage in the Dark (Hurwitz) (short)
Bess's Log Cabin Quilt (D. Anne Love)
Betsy & Tacy Go Over The Big Hill (Lovelace)
The Hundred Dresses (Estes)
Owls in the Family
All-of-a-Kind Family
Five Bushel Farm
Understood Betsy
The Wheel on the School
*Ella has also read, for a second time, several of the books from the read-aloud list above. (Most notably the Little House books. I think she's read each book at least two times.)


  1. We use Pathway Readers too. My kids really like them.

  2. Good job Ella! What a good reader you are.

  3. Hi Stacy :) Thanks for sharing your lists! Love, Q

  4. Woohoo! This is a great list, Stacy! Thanks! When I think of the books that we have read, I imagine my kids' minds filled up to the corners will all those little stories. It's so fun to overhear those little stories seeping back out of them as they play.

    "I'm Almanzo and you can be Royal!"
    "See my new colts!"

    "My Doggie is Appollyon! He's growling!"

    Hooray for the gift of reading and being read to!

  5. Oh yay! Thank you so much! I'm making a copy of this and saving it to my hard drive.

  6. What a joy filled reading list!

    I doon't know if you got my email yesterday? But thank you for the wonderful*beautiful*love filled note...and love offering from your family.

    It lifted me up and poured God's love over me.

    Thank you Stacy for your friendship, not only did you lead me into blog-land, but you bless me over and over in so many other ways. Your spirit is so generous and kind-wish you were here in CT friend.

    Thanks for your prayers...my heart has been feeling weary from the long road to a baby.

    mama to 6
    one homemade and 5 adopted

  7. I like your idea of keeping a list of what your kids are reading...or of them keeping it, which would be much more practical! I have kept track of our read-alouds, though we're beginning to cycle back through them as the youngers get old enough to appreciate them! Right now I am reading "The Light and The Glory for Children" to my 8 and 10 yr olds.

  8. I love the Pathway readers. I used them when homeschooling my son in the early years.

    Now my daughter (who is twelve years older than him!) uses them to homeschool her five and six year olds.

    Great list by the way. :)


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