21 November 2008

Verses to live by: for little ones

I'm so thankful for God's Word when it comes to instructing my children.

Here are some of the verses we've memorized that come up over and over again throughout our days:
Do not say, "I'll do to him as he has done to me; I'll pay that man back for what he did."
~Proverbs 24:29
That one I use frequently with the boys- when one of them has hit or pushed or done something to the other, generally they want to do it right back. This has been a good reminder that God instructs us otherwise.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.
~Matthew 5:9
Several times throughout the day, one of the kids will run up to me and say something like, "So-and-so was playing with this and I was still playing with that. I was just going to pick it up." [Or- whatever the scenario may be at that moment.] And then so-and-so will come running up to tell his/her side of the story, and the squabble begins. My regular response is this: "Who is going to be the peacemaker?" It completely flips the focus on selfishness and turns it to "Who is going to be the first to choose to make peace?" That is what's important
Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking lies.
~Psalm 34:13
One of our boys lies regularly and easily, and this is one of the verses he knows the best. It's also one we discuss when unkind things are said, along with the phrase I've recently began saying that I picked up from my own mother: "If you don't have something kind to say, don't say it at all."
Children, obey your parents in all things, for this is well pleasing to the Lord.
~Colossians 3:20
Honor your father and your mother.
~Exodus 20:12
I don't usually use those as commands or anything, but I do try to praise the kids when they have been obedient and honoring.
A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.
~John 13:34-35
Another good stand-by. Sometimes it's unnerving to me how a certain toy or activity can create such conflict, and all of a sudden the "one another" gets so easily lost [usually a good indication that it's time to shelve the toy!] I wonder how many times I've said, "It is far more important to God that you love one another than that you get to play with that right now."?!
Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.
~Matthew 5:42
This is another one we use with the whole sharing issue. He asked you for that toy? Great! Give it to him. He wants to play with that right now? Great! Let him borrow it.
My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in action and in truth.
~1 John 3:18
This is one that certainly has it's place with the kids, but it also continually challenges ME. I don't want to be a mama who just says "I love you". I want to be a mama whose love is evident in my actions towards them- especially when they're disobedient.
Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith.
~1 Peter 5:8-9
We all struggle with self-control around here. Some of us more than others. (Me probably being the worst.) I want to be alert to Satan's schemes, and I want our children to recognize that he is eager to see them fall. Plus- this is just one of our favorite verses to say together- we all growl like lions and let our voices drop to a hush when we talk about him prowling around.
A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control.
~Proverbs 29:11
Ugh. This verse convicts me every time I read it. I can be such a fool. But oh! I want my children to be wise, so it's something we all work on together.
The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.
~Proverbs 15:3
This comes in handy when I haven't seen what has gone on, and there are differing accounts of what happened. Then I'll say, "God saw. Tell me what God saw happen."
A soft answer turns away wrath.
~Proverbs 15:1
Another good verse to live by. When your brother or sister has said something unkind, give a soft answer in reply.
Do all things without complaining or disputing.
~Philippians 2:14
One of my favorites for the kids, and one that I should also take to heart more often.


  1. These verses are great! Thanks for sharing the list! I'm sensing a family project coming on to print them out and post them around our house as reminders. Thanks!

  2. Thanks so much for sharing these. I, too, want to copy these and have them in hand.

  3. These are great! Thanks so much for sharing them, I sometimes forget to use scripture in discipline. Thank you for the reminder!

  4. Outstanding list! What would we do without God's Word?! Thanks for sharing this--we'll be adding to our "to memorize" list soon.

  5. God's Word is useful & instructive in every situation isn't it!

    Good job exemplifying this for your kids as well as teaching it.

    God's Word will not return void. It will accomplish His purposes in their and your life! You are a good mom Stacy.

  6. Ooo, thank you, Stacy! I've been needing some new verses for us-- one of the boys asked recently, "Are we going to memorize ALL of 1 Peter?" Guess I found that whole book very pertinent! Annie

  7. What great wisdom in this post. I personally struggle in the Philippians 2:14, currently I am studying Numbers 11-23. How like those grumbling Israelites I am like...I too need a heart transplant.

    thanks for sharing;
    mama to 6
    one homemade and 5 adopted

  8. I needed this post tonight!!! Thanks for pointing our eyes to the Truth and reminding us of the Higher Calling we have towards our children.

    Grace and Peace,

  9. Stacy, I am printing off your post right this minute to put on my fridge and start memorizing with my little ones. THANK YOU!

  10. Can I use your post on my blog? Not sure when but sometime in the next few days I would like to reference to it. I love this post. I often forget to use scripture when disciplining, thanks for the reminder!

  11. Thank you, fellow mamas!

    And- Brooke? Yes, of course you may use this post on your blog.


  12. What a great post and timely around here. I have been feeling convicted on many fronts. I can struggle with fully venting and lacking self control especially when I am tired....and I am tired right now. Still it's no excuse to sin.

    I love having scripture to address whats happening. That's why I love "Teach Them Diligently" and "Don't make me Count to Three". They are so practical. But I forget so quickly. I also did not grow up a Christian and find I am on the same learning curve as my kids at times. What a gift we are giving our kids to teach them young and in the way they should go. Their adult life will be so much easier with the word hide away in their heart, especially their thought life. I ask my son in the midst of discipline if he wants a full happy life or a miserable one? Obeying brings him happiness and a full life, disobedience will only bring him trouble. One day I hope he will "get" that :o) I have one who can tend to lie. I wonder at times if he even hears me but God is faithful and as another person wrote the word does not return void.
    One place I have been challenged is in having faith that God is at work even when I fall short or the kids don't respond well...which can be often:o)

    So enjoy your honesty and transparency and pointing to the Lord! Refreshing!

    Also, read the adoption post .....so thankful with you. I so enjoyed all the pictures it felt like I was almost there cheering you on.

    Maybe I should have sent an email....this turned into little book.

  13. Awesome!!! I can especially use the one about "peacemakers" right now. :-)

  14. thank you for this list, stacy! i am printing more verses on index cards today (my back-pocket prayer list) and some of these are just what i need.

    thank you my friend.

  15. Thanks so much, Stacy. I am printing this off too.


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