24 July 2007

After-meal chores

For months on end we can be in a really good routine around here and then for one reason or another it all sort of falls apart. For instance, the kids used to dutifully clear their dishes from the table after each meal. Within the past week or two I've noticed that when the meal is done, they ask to be excused and scurry off to play. ~Huh?~ I probably let them the first time or two for one reason or another and now it's become a habit. And it's a habit I now want to break.

In an effort to get them back on track, I've implemented a new system for cleaning up after meals in our home.

I made this:

The three chores are:
1. Clear dishes off the table and wipe down table.
2. Sweep kitchen floor.
3. Mommy's helper-- meaning that this child will report to me for their chore. That way they can do whatever is most needed: unload or load the dishwasher, put the food away, etc.

Each morning we turn the wheel and reveal their new chore for the day, and then for each meal that day they will be responsible for that chore.

So far, so good! :)


  1. Stacy, what a great idea. I need to make up some new chore charts for the fall. Things have to be so much more organized once we start homeschooling again.

  2. Very, very cute and oh-so-useable! Sometimes we get off of our chores routine too. Why, oh why do we do that?!?

  3. So cute! Aren't you the little artist? I might have to adopt some of that. Right now they all have to clear off their own stuff and put things in the dishwasher but sweeping the floor doesn't happen every meal! Why not, I say! Thanks for the permission to give my kids one more job. :)

  4. Great idea! Five years from now when they all are pitching in UNASKED after a big, messy meal, you will be so glad you put the time and effort into teaching them HOW to help. Marmee

  5. Ok, so next time you come over please bring your wheel. Then we can photo copy your pictures and I can use it too. There is the issue of the girl with long hair (we don't have one of those) but who cares! I want your art on our wheel too!
    Your smart and talented!

  6. Stacy;

    You are an amazingingly creative mum- I so am amazed by the creative ways you teach your dear 3.

    thanks for sharing;
    mama to 6
    one homemade and 5 adopted

  7. You are so creative! I'd buy one if you sold them :)

  8. I agree... you are very talented, it is so easy to get off track, etc. Do you mind if I copy your idea? We so need it right now! Might help with the "I don't want to do such and such job!"


  9. Letisha,
    Of COURSE you can copy! Have at it! :)

  10. Wonderful! I love the wheel idea - we go in and out of the same problems, too - inconsistency one time, and that's it! They run with it! :)

  11. What a wonderful idea, Stacy. For some reason I can't see the pics right now. Maybe I'll be able to see them later -- my computer must be acting up. I love to see things like this ... it gives me inspiration for the future.

  12. You never cease to inspire, Stacy! I so appreciate you! (and wish I could draw like that!)
    All's grace,


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