14 July 2007

Eyes of Wonder

Recently I found a lovely blog called Eyes of Wonder, Jewels' little place in the blogosphere. I knew I was hooked the moment I read this excerpt from her blog:

I'm a busy wife and mama to my many treasured children. My dear oldest son is married, to a lovely gentle-spirited gal, who is the mama of our first little grandbaby girl and is carrying our second little grandbaby--safely tucked away, and growing-- in her womb. I'm blessed to have my 9 other children still at home, each one uniquely wonderful, and a joy and delight that I couldn't imagine my life from day-to-day, without. I love the simple things in life the very most, and cherish the gift of time to truly enjoy them. I love to create, and I think my favorite thing to create is memories! How grateful I am for each one that has been made and is stored away in my heart and mind, and the hearts and minds of those I love.

See what I mean? Do go peek around; I think you'll find yourself as enchanted as I am by Jewels' writings of their life as a family, and the beautiful photos she shares, too.

At the beginning of July I read this post and entered the drawing.

Would you believe my name was drawn?! I am so excited! :)


  1. Stacy,
    how wonderful!!!
    I just discovered her blog, too...what a wonderful inspiration and encouragement to all mamas!!

  2. That is SO cool that you won! Who ever wins anything...? I can't wait to see your stuff. Really fun.

  3. I thinks she's proverb 31 personified. Pretty wonderful blog.

  4. What a lovely blog ... one I will return to many times. Thank you for sharing!

  5. Do you know what happened to "Eyes of Wonder"? I really miss Jewels' posts. Thank you.

  6. Alyson-
    On Jewels' last post, she said she would only be writing for family members (who have a password). So many of us miss her, I know. :(


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