10 July 2007

Fruit of the Spirit graphic

Last week Trish emailed me to let me know that my blog had been nominated to display this on my blog:

You can click here to read more about this graphic, but an excerpt from Trish's blog reads, "In his letter to the Galatians, Paul wrote about the fruit of the Spirit~ love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. (Galatians 5:22-23). The Fruit of the Spirit graphic was developed in an effort to recognize bloggers whose writings and postings in the blogosphere give us a glimpse of this fruit in their lives."

Wow. I am sincerely blessed by this. Most days I am pretty sure I lack a great deal of the above fruits! And yet any fruit that is in me is purely a testimony to the grace and faithfulness of God and His work in my life. So thank you to whoever nominated With Great Joy for this and also to Trish for her desire to bless bloggers through this graphic.


  1. Hey Stacey!! Congrats!!! I know in the short time I have seen your blog, it has been an encouragement to me. Keep it up! :)

  2. You SO deserve this! Congrats!

    I got my title to work when I did it in preview mode. Hope that helps.

  3. Congratulations! I knew nothing of this...or I would have nominated you a long time ago. I see those fruit in your life (not to mention on your blog) on a DAILY basis!

    Keep up the good-blogging-work, sweet friend!!

  4. Stacey, that is great.
    You have such a sweet spirit.

    And thanks for stopping by today. The apple cider vinegar is working GREAT on my fruit flies. They're dropping like...well, you know....flies! :)

  5. Each year I know you the Lord uses you to display His fruit more and more.
    I often sing the kid's song about the fruit of the Spirit throughout the day as a prayer. A plea! Give me more Lord!

  6. Stacey,
    Your blog is all of the above ... and more! Congratulations -- you are a blessing!!

  7. But of course! :)

    You bless so many with the fruit of your life, Stacy - you deserve it!

  8. I'm glad you were recognized this way, my dear. I must admit that not only do I really enjoy reading your blog, but I love seeing what comments others have inputed. I love it that your writings here are reaching out, encouraging others towards the high calling of Jesus Christ.

    I love you and am proud of you.

    - Mark


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