02 July 2007

Two celebrations

Two of my dearest friends had big days today.

Amy celebrated her 32nd birthday! YAY! Happy birthday, you! I love you so much and am especially thankful I have gotten to take part in so many of those birthdays! I'd hug you if we did that. *grin*


Michelle reminded me today that it is "Gotcha' Day" at their house. It was one year ago today that they got their son Micah from Guatemala. WOO HOO! On that day God placed one more child into a family of His choice. And a wonderful family it is. I love you guys and am rejoicing with you today as you celebrate one year with Micah!
I have had the privilege of walking this adoption road with Michelle from the very beginning. And what an incredible treasure it has been to find a faithful friend in her, too. I am so thankful for you, Michelle! Isn't it a wonderful bonus that God brought us together as friends?

I love you two!


  1. It has been such a hoot explaining to the kids that EVERY SINGLE YEAR your birthday is the day after mine. They love to figure out that I am older than you --by a day!
    Thanks for always being so faithful to celebrate with me.
    And Happy Birthday to YOU!

    Yeah! For a you! A year. How amazing. Is it crazy to think that he was ever NOT a part of your life?!
    I am happy for you guys to be on *this* side of the adoption finish line!
    With love,

  2. Stacy...you are so sweet! Thank you for celebrating with us! I am so so so so VERY thankful that you and your sweet family were our adoption "bonus"!! God truly blessed us more than our minds could have conceived!

    We love you very MUCH!


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