12 October 2008

Church at home

We skipped church this morning due to the chickenpox. That's a huge bummer since we love our church, but Mark suggested to the kids that they lead us in our own church service.

Ella immediately volunteered to read from the Bible (which is handy since she's the only one who reads). She read Psalm 3. The boys were eager to do worship. They ran and gathered up their instruments~ Isaac, a bass guitar and an enormous microphone; Isaias, a little wooden guitar. And then they proceeded to lead us in a few worship songs. [Rather, they stood there and strummed, and Isaac dutifully held the microphone but did not actually sing aloud much, while Ella called out songs and we sang.]

They even took the offering, which Ella carefully gathered up beforehand in little money pouches and handed out to each of us so that we would have something to give.

My favorite part was at the end, when Ella asked if anyone had any prayer needs. A few of us did, and she asked each of us to come forward while the rest of us laid hands upon the person and prayed for them.

We especially prayed for this little girl, who (in my opinion), has a really bad case of chickenpox. She has them all over, and more and more are cropping up each day (hour?). She was up during the night last night and is much more fussy today. You can tell they are really bothering her and she keeps trying to itch them but isn't getting far. Poor little sweetie.

Other perks about having church at home, in addition to our cute pastoral staff?
*We were all dressed in comfy jammies or "everyday clothes".
*The seating was much more cozy.
*We each had a mug of hot cocoa with real whipping cream.

Happy Sabbath!


  1. So, so sweet. We've had "church" in hotel rooms a couple of times, and at home and I have precious memories of the girls singing and telling us their Bible stories.

    Today we had church at the campground, but what I had in mind swerved slightly to become more of a family meeting with some fire and brimstone thrown in for a couple kids. :)

  2. So sweet and I just know it blessed the heart of our Father. Bet you'll treasure the chickenpox a little more because of this.

    mama to 6
    one homemade and 5 adopted

  3. Loved your church at home. How terrific for the kids. Hopefully Addie will feel better real soon.

  4. Hi Stacy :) What a wonderful way to bless the Father together as a family! Praying with you for your sweet Little Miss A to be feeling much better very soon. Love you! Q

  5. Oh man! I feel for Adelia. I remember that time when new bumps were popping up everywhere and it seemed like it would never end. And I got them EVERYwhere, too. New ones should stop showing up after the 5th day. I tried my best not to scratch but I still have a few prominent scars. Each bump will take about 5 to 7 days to go through its cycle, and then, in a tediously gradual way, it will turn the corner and begin to look better.

    Just take heart in the fact that she is getting them over and done with and will never be met with "Oye, que paso con tu cara? /"Hey, what happened with your face?" as an adult.



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