23 October 2008

Open House: Thursday, October 23

In the kitchen... some chocolate-chip cookies I made last night (YUMMY!) that are calling my name. I usually don't even like cookies. Um, also in the kitchen: this.

I am thankful for...
-Mark, my best friend and favorite person on earth.
-Wednesday-morning phone calls with Michelle.
-God's faithfulness.
-Baby #5, steadily growing and happily reminding mama he/she is there.
-Our home, warm and comfortable.
-Folded laundry that the kids are putting away.

I am wearing... jeans, black 3/4-length-sleeved shirt, bare feet. Hair in a ponytail.

I am sewing... some baby gifts.

I am hearing... Isaac and Isaias playing football. Steelers and Rams, currently. "Mommy, which one do you want to win? The Steelers or the Rams?" The Steelers, always the Steelers. Also hearing Seeds Family Worship in the background.

I am reading...
several books. I'll post more on that when I've got more time. Thanks for all your recommendations!

I just saw... the movie The Secret Life of Bees. I liked it, and thought it was a good adaptation of the book, which I also enjoyed. Oh! Mark and I also recently saw Fireproof, based on this guys recommendation. We both enjoyed that, too.

I am looking forward to... a coffee date with the girls from our small group tonight. (Talia, please come! I'll miss you if you're not there!)

I am thinking... about Isaac's birthday in a few days. And how he'll be 5. FIVE. And I'd like to just stop time, thankyouverymuch, because it hurts my heart that he's getting so big.

I am remembering... how Isaac said to me this morning, "Mommy? In the movie last night? [It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown] There was a boy in there named Peppermint Patty that was really grumpy." I laughed, and then tried to tell him that Peppermint Patty is actually a girl, but he was adamant. PP apparently talks like and looks like a boy, and he is certain PP is a boy. Alright, then.


  1. Haha! I just asked my daughter "is peppermint patty a girl" and she said, "plays baseball, lives outside of town and watches baseball he's a boy." I said she's a girl. Then she said I should google it. Hehehe.

    So apparently many kids are confused by this ;)


  2. I love that picture, Stacy. I love the look on your face, the hand brushing Isaac's head, the sweet little baby on your lap, cute little belly poking out in between. What a great snapshot of this sweet time of life.

    And if you do discover a way to stop time, will you PLEASE let me know??? :)

  3. LOL! My kids REFUSE to accept the fact that Peppermint Patty is a girl, too! Wasn't she the first cartoony girl who looked like a boy?? I can't remember one single one from before then.
    I always liked the Charlie Brown Christmas. I actually grew up with a fake tree in my room just like his ~ and I LOVED it and refused to get rid of it.
    Thanks for the good memories!!
    Oh, and that baby is BEAUTIFUL!

  4. seriously, stacy. that picture of you is SO sweet! i love it! and i love getting these "snapshots" of your home. and lets not talk birthdays...because we are going to have a 3 year old in a couple of days here. i am in denial.


  5. I am loving the picture. LOVING IT. And I am loving the "visit" I just had into your home. God is so good!!

  6. Such beautiful children! I'm always encouraged by "Mom blogs." Blessings.

  7. I just polled my 19 and 15 year-old about Patty. They never questioned her gender. I hope Patty herself wasn't gener-confused.

  8. Love this shot of you...and love all the bits and pieces you shared.

    mama to 6
    one homemade and 5 adopted

  9. What a beautiful post! It's so fun to get a glimpse into your life. :)

    I tagged you for te 7 Random/Weird Things meme.


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