14 October 2008

Day 6

... of the [visible] chickenpox [recognizing that she probably had the virus a few days prior to us seeing any spots] is the worst yet.

She's had a fever since yesterday, and is fussy and tired.

She's been up during the night for the past three nights for hour-long increments, and Mark and I are exhausted. (I know, I know... everyone keeps saying it's good preparation for baby #5.)

But we'll be glad when this is over and we have our sweet pox-less girl back.

Our friends Jake and Talia brought dinner over last night: yummy comfort food: soup, biscuits, and (best of all!) roasted garlic. Thank you, sweet friends.

Justin and Cutzi brought their cute two over a couple nights ago, for some chickenpox exposure. Cutzi came bearing treats: homemade apple crisp and ice cream to share. It was so funny-- as Steele and Adia came in, chattering about the chickenpox (or- as Adia called it: chickenpops or something equally cute), they were talking eagerly about it as if it was a treat we had for them, and as they left, Cutzi and Justin had them say, "Thank you for the chickenpox!"

I'm thinking they won't be so thankful when it hits. If it hits.

Judging by these pictures, though, we think Steele has a pretty good shot at getting them.


  1. What adorable pictures! I was just chuckling to myself though. Poor Steele..... he'll never want to be so sweet to girls again. ;-)

    Would you mind e-mailing me those pictures when you get a chance?

  2. Also.... just thinking these might not be good shots for our adoption profile?

  3. Poor sweet girl!
    Praying that the worst of it is over now. And I am thankful for you that while you have been up so much in the nights, Mark has been home to help during the day!

  4. Poor Addy! I saw the original post and have been praying for her. Mostly when I am up in the middle of the night with Eli. I have thought of you both then.
    Hoping for quick recovery for her and some serious sleep for you, my friend.

  5. A spoonful of anti-histamine can be very helpful in calming the itch & also causes slight drowsiness in some children (which is a mercy for them if they can't get to sleep). I have 5 children & they all had chicken pox at the same time a few years ago.Hope you get through it soon;o)

  6. I hope Addy is healing up! I'll think of you in the middle of the night - wandering around in a sleep deprived daze here too! {{{hugs}}}


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