08 October 2008

School and tigers

A few mornings ago, I walked into the living room to this scene:

Ella was busy playing schoolteacher, [being Laura, from Little House on the Prairie]. She was in the middle of handing Isaias a book, a piece of paper, and a pencil.

Isaac was already all set up, given the name Clarence, and instructed to write his name ten times. [It was explained to me that he'd been naughty and this was his punishment.]

Isaias' new name? Almanzo.

Ella (I mean, Laura) was writing A's and B's on a piece of paper and asking Isaias to circle all the A's. He was patiently obliging.

When I walked through a couple of minutes later she had begun to read aloud a chapter from a nearby book. The boys, apparently, had been instructed to sit still and listen quietly.

And then I overheard "Almanzo" ask,

"Excuse me. Ella? Is it okay if I be a tiger first?"

Afterall, for a three-year old? Playing tiger rates much, much higher than playing school.


Oh, and here's a picture of our not-so-fierce tiger earlier this summer:


  1. Looks like you've just about worked yourself out of a job! I joke that if I can just educate Peregrine he'll take care of the other kids given his propensity for bossiness, er, leadership!
    Hope your week is going well!

  2. Almonzo? I love it! Hannah mostly wants to be baby or a puppy dog these days.

  3. Cute, cute, and cute. All three of them. :)

  4. Almonzo and a tiger. Wicked combination. I'm impressed at Ella's choice of names. Made me laugh out loud. - jake

  5. So cute ... I love the vivid imagination of a child!!


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