05 November 2014

Good reads on the web and some organizational stuff

Well.  Somehow I've injured my foot and I'm hobbling around the house- seeing all the things I can't do as easily and wishing for pain-free walking.  But tomorrow I get to find out what the doctor says. Peeking in here a day late to let you in on some reading I've enjoyed around the web, and some things I'm doing on the homeschooling/organization front:

My carry-around-with-me-throughout-the-day clipboard
  • I really appreciated Misty's recent series of 31 Homeschool Lists.  I read this post (and watched her video) and was inspired to re-vamp the top sheet of my carry-around clipboard, and I started filling out daily index cards.  I also made daily checklists for my older three kids after reading this post.  (I tried this once before, a couple years ago, and it was a flop, so I'm trying it again, in an effort to get the kids working more independently without having to rely on my to-do-today list on the dry erase board.) 

I hope you're having a wonderful day!  Mark is just wrapping up two days off in.a.row (unheard of!) and so it's been a great two days and I am loving it.  Blessings to you all...



  1. Oh Stacy, thank you for that link to my book list and your kind words. We do love our books, don't we! :)

  2. Okay, I'm going to have to try the daily checklist idea for the kiddos. And thanks for sharing the link to the Goodwill Living blog. She's got a beautiful way of expressing herself.


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