08 September 2010

Memorizing our theme passage

You'd think with a degree in graphic design I could draw... somewhat-ish.

I cannot.

But do you know what? My kids don't care! :)

I am a visual learner, so this is naturally how I teach. And I think all children are very high visual/auditory learners- at least at this age- so often I add pictures and sound to help them learn, especially when it's memory work.

Here's what I've done to help us memorize our theme passage (Romans 12:9-21) for this year: (I'm only showing you the first few picture cards.)

Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the LORD.

Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited. Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the LORD. On the contrary: "If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head." Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

I haven't drawn pictures on every single card; some cards are words-only. But this way, at least some of the cards offer a visual tie-in to the words we're learning!

What do you do to help your kids memorize Scripture?

Let me take a minute to plug (again!) my FAVORITE resources for Scripture memory:

1. My ABC Bible Verses

If you want to start memorizing Scripture with your kids, this is an excellent resource! Each letter of the alphabet has a corresponding Bible verse and is accompanied by a story to illustrate the scriptural passage. We read this book four years ago, and our kids loved it. They still remember every single one of these verses! I posted more about this book here.

2. Seeds Family Worship. They have five CDs available: Seeds of Courage, Seeds of Faith, Seeds of Praise, Seeds of Purpose and Power of Encouragement. We have all of these and every single person in our home enjoys them! When the kids ask me to put on a CD, I *always* choose one of these; they are just that enjoyable to listen to. (Each of the above links will let you listen to samples of the songs from that particular album.)


  1. I want to come do school at your house!

    Our church is memorizing Romans Chapter 8 together. The kids and I are going to try it. The idea of breaking it down into cards is a great idea.

  2. Great ideas, Amy! (And, I love your picture of dinner in a box!)

  3. We use the Simply Charlotte Mason Scripture Memory Box. Morning and evening. We did memory verses with MFW for 2 years, now we just memorize the verses that have been put on Daddy's heart (although all the old ones are still in there). Our new church says the Nicene Creed, so it's also in there right now.

    We have a couple of the Seeds CDs, the Hidden In My Heart Scripture Lullaby CD (which I LOVE), and we use our memory verses for copywork.

    I think music works best. We are using mostly Veritas Press materials this year (Charlotte Mason-ized, it's possible:), and one of the things I absolutely LOVE, is that they create a Memory Song for both Bible and History. The kids are picking the "timeline" of things up quite quickly. Our Latin (Song School) is also that way...and EVERYONE (from Daddy on down to 2 yr old Benjamin) is singing the Salve/Vale song. :)

  4. We are memorizing Ecclesiates 3: 1-8 right now. The kids are each making their own booklets. Each page has a place for them to copy part of the passage (or trace the words, depending on their age) and then draw a picture illustrating what it says. They love it and it helps them remember the verse since they get to draw their own picture!

  5. Hey Stacy,
    I am excited to have your nephew in one of my classes. He is in a great group that I have at the end of the day. They were very positive and had great energy on their first day with me today.


  6. Stacy ~ Do you remember that you gave us "My ABC Bible Verses" years ago? We still read it and LOVE it too! And it's amazing how those little ditties I made up to go with some of the verses I was teaching Joshua from the book when he was only 3 we still sing today! "Go, go, go-go-go... into aaaallll theeeeee worrrrrrld. And preach. The gospel. To eeeeveryyyy oooooooooone." :)

    THANK YOU SO MUCH for introducing this special book into our family! I LOVE opening it up and seeing the sweet transcription you wrote for us in the front (That's when it was only you, Mark, Ella, and Isaac!)

    Love you much, and so thankful for you, Stacy! Looking forward to getting those CDs! A recommendation from you is surely a good one.

    Camee XO

  7. Sandi~
    Wow! That's so great your church is memorizing Romans 8 together! You can do it!

    Thank you! :)

    Somehow I've never found it easy to maneuver my way around the Simply Charlotte Mason site. Maybe I just haven't spent enough time there.

    We have the Hidden In My Heart Lullaby CD as well. :)

    I'm with you on the putting-things-to-memory-with-song. Many times I make up my own songs so that I can learn things better! :) And... what a fun concept: a history song!

    Oh, I love this idea of a little memory booklet, Kristin! If more of my kids were older, we would totally do this. :) I'm officially bookmarking it in my brain. :) [Now. Brain? Please remember.]

    Who do you have? Bennett or Dawson?

    YES! I do remember that, Cam! :) I'm so glad you love it! I know-- it's funny how even if you don't make up a song for the verse, the cadence of your voice is memorized right along with the words! I love that about kids!

    I love knowing, too- that our inscription had only FOUR names! Crazy!

    And: you will LOVE the Seeds CDs. Promise.


  8. I have Dawson in my 7th period Spanish class. It is called an "exploratory" class where they get exposed to the basics of the language for a semester so hopefully we will be able to have lots of fun times together.


  9. Helen,
    Awww... should be fun! Dawson's a goofball. :)

  10. transcription. inscription.

    Same difference, right? ;)

    I just knew that wasn't the right word, but for the life of me I couldn't think of it! Thanks for turning the lightbulb on for me!

    :) Camee

  11. Oh, Cam...
    I typed inscription in my response and that didn't seem right, and I remembered you had written transcription so I thought maybe it was that... I then Googled inscription for a dictionary search and it seemed to be the right definition, so I just went with it. :) [A VERY long way of saying: I wasn't sure, either! And I had to look it up to make sure! :)]

    Love you!

  12. Love this!! I think I'll get the "My ABC Bible Verses" for Halle....looks great!! Thanks for the tip!!


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