23 September 2010

Open House: Thursday, September 23

I am wearing... Black knit capris + a plum-colored t-shirt.

I am listening to... Ella, practicing piano. Isaac and Isaias, running through the house hollering and pretending that Audra is chasing them. (Which she's not.)

I am reading... Hm. I'm not really engrossed in a book right now. [Which means everyone should give me a book recommendation, stat.] Reading through the book of John for my quiet times, though.

I am looking forward to... The hot bubble bath I'm going to take later, after I run on the treadmill. (See? One more reason I need a good book. ~sigh~)

Outside my window... Well, the shades are drawn now because it's dark, but I happen to know there's a spider and her web outside the window I'm sitting in front of. We've been watching the spider build her web and Ella catches and tosses a crane fly at it occasionally so we can watch Miss Spider capture it.

I am creating... Nothing whatsoever in the crafting department.

I am praying for... a greater sensitivity to the Holy Spirit.

Thankful for... "Nuggles" (snuggles) from my littlest...

From the kitchen...
Tonight's menu: Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, peas, homemade applesauce, and pumpkin-chocolate-chip muffins for dessert (to celebrate the first day of FALL!)

{Updated to add:} Here's what we did a few minutes later. Usually my girls are a little more active, but for some reason tonight they wanted to both be planted on my lap! Oh. And my apologies for the poor-quality (and dim) video!


  1. Ahhhh... this all sounds so cozy. Especially the meatloaf and potatoes. Yum.

  2. We had that dinner last Friday when my parents were in...except for the yummy dessert, and I so meant to make a Pumpkin Pie today, and completely forgot.

    Is not the Harvest Moon outside your window? I'm about to go out and take a picture.

    I have no book recommendation, but I will anxiously await others to chime in...anything that is NOT about homeschooling would be lovely :)

    Enjoy what sounds like a wonderful evening!


  3. Yay!! We LOVE that song!! We have a CD with that song on it (Do you have that same cute one with the kids on it who chime in to repeat each verse?) We do the "round-and-around" circles in the air, too. How can you not? :) And I didn't know today was the 1st day of Fall! No wonder if was a cool 98 degrees today here. :) I miss Washington! Enjoy those beautiful color-changing trees for me.

    Hugs to you and all your cuties!


    P.S. Never made the muffins (sound delish!), but pumpkin-choco-chip cookies are a staple around here in the Autumn. Yummeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!

  4. Awwww... love the video. Cute girls. All three!

  5. Sweet video! Sweet mama! Sweet little girlies!

    Had a lot of fun recently with the Flavia de Luce mysteries, written by Alan Bradley. The first is called The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie and the second is called The Weed That Strings the Hangman's Bag.

  6. What a cute video! Your dinner sounded wonderful - hope you all enjoyed it. :)

  7. I just read and really enjoyed a book called "Sarah's Key." Have you heard of it? I picked it up in paperback at Costco for relatively cheap, but it's probably at the library by now. You can read the description at Goodreads to see if you think you might enjoy it...

  8. What a fun peek into your sweet home! Reading your dinner menu made me hungry... can I come over for leftovers?
    And when did those sweet little girls grow so big?

    Lots of love to you, dear friend. I miss you and think of you often... will try to write you one of these days. We're doing well... Hannah is 10 months old, crawling, standing, cruising, and talking up a storm!

  9. Cutzi~
    Mmm! It was a good dinner, if I do say so myself. ;)

    No Harvest Moon... too cloudy here last night. But I saw it bright and early this morning! :)

    We don't have that one. I learned it from my mom, years ago. Ick about the 98 degrees! :( And... Washington misses YOU!

    Saw your post this morning! Loved it! :)

    Thanks! How much do we need a new camera, though? Oh my word! Sorry you all had to see that!

    Oh, good. I've just put it on hold online through our library...
    Thanks for the recommendation!


    Oh, thanks... but I've read it already. Last year sometime, I think... (I enjoyed it, too!)

    BEKA! It's so good to hear from you! Mark asked about you just the other day and I told him I don't get to read your blog anymore and I didn't think you ever checked in here anymore, either. I'm so happy to hear even a little snippet of how you (and sweet Hannah! are)!!!

    ps You are welcome to stop in for leftovers anytime. :)

    Love to all of you...

  10. I always love your open house posts.

    Yes, I concur, the dinner was really, really yummy.

    Thanks for being such a wonderful wife and mama to ours.

    Loving you, Mark

  11. I absolutely love seeing you singing with your beautiful girls! That's one of my favorite songs from my childhood (from the Bill Gaither Kids albums).

  12. I love your day. {It makes me look inward and remind myself... Self, it is okay to celebrate the beauty today! To forgive and forget the ugly and revel in the lovely and the cozy... :)}

    Loved hearing your voice, singing and joy-ing in your children. And my boys LOVE the fort in the background! We make a mean fort over here, you all should come over!

    (Oh, and The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Burrows. LOVED it. Have been recommending it right and left... Also, The Heavenly Man by Brother Yun and Hannah Coulter by Wendell Berry.)

    Happy reading! ;) I'm with you in spirit on the treadmill... because I'll be on mine.


  13. To read: The Birth House by Ami McKay or The Red Tent by Anita Diamant
    You said we read a lot of the same books...hopefully these are new suggestions to you! :)

    I love the Open House idea.

  14. Stacy, I loved the video clip! What a happy home you have - full of lovely smells and sounds. Your dinner is making me rethink my menu for tonight ... hmmmm. With the return of fall, I hope to see the return of my blogging creativity. I've had absolutely none lately. Happy fall, friend.

  15. Oh, this made me happy. Thanks.


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