10 September 2010

Open House: Friday, September 10

I am wearing...
Black yoga-type pants, a black scoop-neck shirt with detailing around the neckline.

I am reading...
A Time for Remembering: The Ruth Bell Graham Story
Beautiful Girlhood
Meet the Austins

I am thinking/pondering...
Oh-so-many things, always. But I've just come from Ann's blog, where she is writing so beautifully about the faces and stories she is encountering in Guatemala on the Compassion bloggers trip. My eyes are still teary as I think of those mothers, afraid for their children. And of course I can't read without wondering where our Isaias would be today, had we not adopted him from Guatemala.

I am praying...
That SO many people will respond and sponsor a Compassion child, for the first time or in addition to those they already have. I used to think it was one small thing we could do, but the more I read about Compassion, the more I know of their heart and ministry, the more letters we receive from our own Compassion children, the more I realize that it is no small thing. For our own Compassion kids, it seems to be "THE" thing, our sponsorship of them. Would you consider sponsoring a child?

Thankful for...
My mom, who offered to take Adelia and Audra for two hours each Friday morning so that I can have uninterrupted school time with my older three. We had such a peaceful, productive, fun morning, I was so much less stressed, and the girls had so much fun with grandma. I am so grateful.

From the kitchen..
Potato chowder keeping warm on the stove, and blueberry muffins to make later.

In the schoolroom...
This morning we learned part of the Apostle's Creed. My plan was to learn the words and then introduce Rich Mullins' song, but decided last night to begin with the song.

If you comment, I'd love to read what your response would be to any of the above!


  1. I've been following Ann's blog too, and ohhhh, I'm also so glad you adopted Isaias. And that picture! So sweet!

    My kitchen has been busy today as well: chicken taco meat in the crock pot, cherry tomatoes roasting for marinara sauce, and later today I have meatballs to make!

  2. OF COURSE you started the Rich Mullins song!!! And then, of course, you will introduce them to the Third Day re-make of it!! :)

    I love coming to your open house. And OOOHHHHHH that pic of Ella and Isaias......sigh.......

    I miss you, friend.

    :) michelle

  3. "with"....I meant to say "started WITH the Rich Mullins song" :)

  4. Jodi~
    I know! I can't believe either of them were once so LITTLE!

    Um.. YUM about your kitchen. How do you do your chicken taco meat? It all sounds delish!

    I TOTALLY thought of you this morning as we were singing, and playing the song over and over and over. And OF COURSE the Third Day version is coming next!

    Love you. Miss you, too.

  5. I have been reading at Ann's too. The post where she meet her own child...effected me so deeply. We do sponser a child and I so long to meet her one day. And it is a small thing for us but a life changer for them. I miss being out there myself.

    And as for adoption...well you know the prayers going up for my friends and their great news. I think of them, I think of Isaias, of Adelia, and a dear friend who adopted two several years ago and another friend who gets her baby girl Ella Grace on September 16th (she already has 3 girls with autism). All these lives are forever altered. I just can't get away from it. I am weeping and so unable to let it go. I am not a weeper. God is doing something in this heart of mine.

    Such a sweet pic of E and I....they do grow way to fast. My little miracle man is two in a few weeks....really? How did that happen.

  6. I throw a couple frozen chicken breasts in the crock pot with a can of diced tomatoes, onion, garlic, and spices- salt, pepper, chili powder, paprika, and cumin. Once they're just cooked all the way through, shred the chicken and throw it back in the pot to soak up all the juice. It's especially good on a salad! Hope your day finished as well as it started! :)

  7. Adoption has been on our hearts lately. We have been praying for God to let us know his timing. Thank you for being an inspiration!


  8. Sandi~
    I know! Wasn't that wonderful; when she was able to meet her own sponsored child? I loved that.

    I would love to meet our Compassion children, too.

    I will join you in prayer over your heart for adoption, Sandi.

    I am thankful for you, friend.

    That's crazy that Eli is nearly TWO! I remember praying for you to get pregnant! What a beautiful miracle he is. :)

    Thank you for the chicken tips. YUM. I'm going to have to try that.

    Oh, that's wonderful, Kara! I will pray for you, too!

  9. As always, I wish I could be here with you...

    Thanks for rummaging up that picture of Ella and Isaias. What a sweet big sister she has always been.

  10. Compassion has been on our hearts since the fall last year. We will be praying for God to bring us the right little one to sponsor once we get settled in our new city.

    As for everything else, I just LOVE you.

    Promise to catch up soon...


  11. I love that your mom offered to take the girls and how much both they & you at home benefit from it.

    I'm praying for Veronica & Cadence a lot these days. Veronica for some of her developmental delays and finding answers to them. For both the girls that they would love the Lord & know their worth is found in Him. For me that I would love them & find their value based on Him created them in his image & not on what they do.

  12. Mark~
    No you don't. You wouldn't like us nearly as much if you had to be stuck with us all day! ;)

    Plus, then I wouldn't get so much joy from being a mama because they would all be stuck to YOU all day long, ignoring me. (Because you're so much fun!) :)

    That's GREAT, Stace! :) (...About a little Compassion child! You'll love it!)

    Love you, too!

    Kamille Corrina~
    Oh, me too-- (about mom offering to take the girls). It has been *wonderful*!!!

    Thanks for sharing about your prayers for your girls. I'm convinced it's the BEST thing you can be doing, Kamille! Good job!


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