01 September 2010

Our theme verse

One of the things I prayed about in terms of school for this coming year is our relationships with one another here at home.

It is paramount to us that the character of our children remains more important than any academic successes they might achieve.

With that in mind, I selected a theme verse for our school year.

Romans 12:10
Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves.

We will also be memorizing several verses from that chapter in addition to just our theme verse.

I'm going to introduce the year with it (a mini Bible study on the verse), and we'll continue to say it each day together and it will be posted for visibility.

I imagine we'll be referencing it quite a bit, too- in our day-to-day goings on, and talking about ways we can honor one another above ourselves and what that could look like, or what it does look like when we catch someone doing so and can commend them for it! I can't wait! :)


  1. So good, Stacy! Thanks for sharing! I'll be adding Romans 12:10 to our memory queue...

  2. I'm going to add that verse to the ones we are memorizing too. Thanks for sharing!!

  3. so great!
    Have you read "Parenting is Heart Work" by Turansky and Miller?
    It is probably my favorite "parenting" book. They really stress teaching your children to honor others and therein lies the root of character/behavior problems. It just reminded me of your bible verse for the year. I have thought a lot about our family verse and I think I am going to use "speak kindly to each other." We need to work on that in our home. =)

  4. Andrea~
    Nope. But I've just put it on hold at the library, per your recommendation! :) Thank you!

    Ah, yes... on the speaking-kindly thing. We need to work on that, too. A couple days ago after hearing a couple of my children speak to one another, I thought I should change our theme to: "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all". But I decided to just talk about that underneath the heading of our theme verse about honoring one another; that one of the ways you can do that is to be mindful of our speech to one another. :)

  5. What a great theme, Stacy! This is so how I like to think of our schooling- couched in the greater importance of God's calling to us to love each other and seek excellence in our character. What a great training ground our kids have at home when the emphasis is placed on these things.

  6. Ohhhh good one. Earlier this summer I had thoughts about choosing a theme verse for our year, and I guess I forgot about it. I might just use this! Thanks for sharing. :)

  7. How wonderful! Great job you.

    I pray that you are able to see good fruit from your efforts to plant God's word in their hearts.

  8. Loving these posts after my blog hiatus! I just wrote this verse out in calligraphy for our kitchen bulletin board....our theme this year is "peace" and man, do we need it with some of our interactions going on around here...haha. Love this and So happy to read about what you are up to with your little sweeties :)


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