26 September 2010

My view this afternoon

{Audra's quilt}

This quilt has been well over a year in the making.
(I guess it's been a busy year?! :))

I've had the quilt top made for several months, but have had such troubles finding the backing and binding fabrics. Granted, I haven't taken too many trips out to look, but... still. Today, though, I scored at the fabric store and found both fabrics, and just like that I'm highly motivated to finish.


  1. It looks beautiful, Stacy! Can't wait to see it complete. I've been wanting to sew or knit or SOMETHING so badly lately. But every night - like now - when I'm done with all I need to do, I am too exhausted to do things I want to do. I'm glad you got some sewing time in today.

  2. I'm so glad you got time for this today. You are so crafty ... I just love your handiwork.


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